View Full Version : newbie here not sure how to use site

05-03-11, 00:11
I came across this site today after having to drive my mother to Blackpool and back, I have suffered severe panic attacks for many years but am now getting them when driving ( it was a 6 hour drive each way ) I can only say that the terror i felt was unimaginable and i feel so ashamed and weak willed for feeling this way. I have been home for 5 hours now and i am still shaking, Also had stopped smoking for 3 months but here i am now on my 7th cigarette in one hour. I do not know how much more of this i can take. this is my first post and i am sorry that i am unable to explain more about myself right now, i do not even know if anyone will read this as i am quite new to using internet. Hope I can find some kind of help here but fear that I am a lost cause now. I wish i could cry, sounds silly but maybe someone out there feels the same. I need help and am begging for some sort of reply. Thank you for reading ( if you did )

05-03-11, 00:13
Hi juli

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-03-11, 01:12
Hello Juli :welcome:. Lots of people on here have panic attacks, and there are a few threads about having them while driving (I've had that myself). I also smoke like a chimney when anxious. I hope you manage to find your way around NMP ok because it's a really good site and you will find lots of people feel the way you do xxx

Vanilla Sky
05-03-11, 12:41
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x