View Full Version : Pleurisy?

05-03-11, 03:40
After previous post, just throwing new stuff in;

Few nights ago I erupted in sudden pain when breathing in. Pain is back of neck, ribs from armpit to bottom of lung area and stretching into my shoulderblade on the right hand side. It only happens when I breathe in and it feels like someone is stabbing me!

I suffered a terrible infection/Pneumonia over christmas. I've been coughing up yellow-green gunk every morning since then. Past couple of days, with this shooting pain in chest when I breathe in too deeply, I have coughed up the smallest bit of blood streaked phlegm, just when I wake up.

I'm literally in tears right now, I googled (why oh why did I do that?) and it said pulmonary embolism (I'm going to die?!) or cancer (oh god). I can't stop shaking and the anxiety is almost pushing me into a panic attack - I can feel my throat closing up!

I was given NSAIDs (Naproxen) and painkillers (Tramadol) for what was assumed as a rib injury.

Is this pleurisy? I had a sedimentation test done when I was still sick and it came back a little high.

Am I going to die? Please help, I can't breathe for fear right now