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05-03-11, 11:50
Try These Easy Steps To Reduce Anxiety

Surprise! - Play a Video Game!

Eat Bananas Brazil Nuts and Drink Milk

Let It Go

One secret to how to reduce anxiety is to realize that you cannot control everything and worrying about something does not really help at all.


Surround Yourself With the Colour blue!

Write Down the Worst That Can Happen

Get a Scrap of Paper and Doodle!

Get Your Vitamins - Especially Vitamin B

Eat Tuna and Salmon

Eat Good Fats!

Talk To A Friend or a Therapist


Studies have shown that the scent of lavendar and vanilla reduce stress and anxiety and can be more effective than prescription medication.

Try Self Hypnosis, Yoga, or Meditation

Herbal Remedies

Listen To Music

Try These DIY Non-Medication Treatment Options

See A Doctor

05-03-11, 12:12
I have panic attacks while driving on motorways and fast roads, if i wrote down the worst that could happen it would be that i lose control and end up mangled up in a massive car crash and die. Very good advice in the rest of your post

05-03-11, 12:13
Well your meant to write before hand on what could happen, not whilst your doing it, as it prepares you mind for the situation.

05-03-11, 12:19
I did mean writing down the worst that could happen before driving

05-03-11, 12:23
Oh sorry i thought you meant something else