View Full Version : Pain in left calf and chest

anx mum
05-03-11, 12:04
What on earths going on getting sharp pains in chest and pain in calf is bk had ct scan yesterday surley if summat was wrong would of showed up really feeling im going mad.

05-03-11, 12:27
Well you know the chest pains are costochondritis & anxiety so don't worry about that, maybe you've pulled a muscle in your calf???

Another theory, maybe now you've had the all-clear with your chest, you're transferring your anxiety to another bodily part?? I've done this so many times!!!

Try to keep telling yourself it's only anxiety and hopefully it'll go away.

K xx

05-03-11, 13:11
bev ct scans are so accurate no way would they of missed anything, i know your still thinking clots and you have none of the symptoms my clots gave me i didnt have no pain in calf , or anything like that you really got to believe what your told by the specialists now when you do i think youll feel much better in yourself,your not going mad either its just anxiety making you feel rubbish nothing life threateningxxxx