View Full Version : Surely this cant be anxiety

05-03-11, 13:38
hi can any one tell me if they are like this as im thinking that i have something phyisicaly wrong and not anxiety as im always bouncing when i sit down i even bend forward all the time no matter wat im doing like making a cup of tea or just even washing up even standing still i have to rockcause if i stand still i feel off balanceand i feel so stupid when im doing this i know it may sound wierd to any one reading this but i just want to find a answer why im like this as i never used to be like this and dont want to go to my gp as he mite think im wierd

05-03-11, 13:48
I went through something similar for 2 weeks after a health shock, (was rushed into hospital for a severe migraine attack which gave me stroke symptoms). I was trembling, shaking and the bouncing and off balance sensations just as you've described it. It went after 2 weeks though and was definitley caused by anxiety - how long have you had this for and have you had any schocks/extra stress recently apart from your usual anxiety?

05-03-11, 14:06
hi thk you for replying ive had it now for over year but it has got bad since xmas ive had a lot of stress since before xmas as one of my daughters who is 28 has moved away from our home town because of her partner cant really say on here why he had to move away but he was sent to prison yesrterday for 18mths, i was really close to my daughter and i feel that he took her away from her family and now she is on her own with her children in a diffrent town with no family to give her suport and because of my anxiety i m too scared to travel on train or anthing to go and see her which i just wish i could so i feel so helpless not bieng with her and i dont know how to over come this fear of travelling

05-03-11, 14:29
Hi, I'm sorry you're going through such a tough time. The fact is, when you experience bizarre symptoms like this - and this is something I say to everyone reading this - before you start wondering what is wrong with you, have a look at what's going off in your life.

The emotional trauma of "losing" your daughter under these circumstances has wounded you in spirit. I cannot emphasise enough that the fight against anxiety and depression is a battle of hearts and minds.

Your body is feeling wounded by what you have gone through and it is reacting with fear and confusion, made worse by you never having gone through this particular problem before. The first time for anything is ALWAYS the worst.

What you are going through is a normal response to overwhelming upset. This is one of those situations where you can't see any hope in it. Like you said, you feel you can't travel to see your daughter because you are suffering from anxiety. Hopelesness is a problem in itself and brings a wide variety of horrible physical and emotional symptoms.

My immediate advice to you is to get on the phone to the Samaritans and Anxiety UK. A-UK are open in the weekdays during business hours. They are absolutely superb, and they can sign you up for cheap over-the-phone counselling, CBT and so on, and if you eventually find yourself able to travel they also offer hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming which I think is a cross between CBT and hypnosis.

The Samaritans, meanwhile, are there 24/7 to listen to anything and everything you want to say. While they may not necessarily have been through the same thing you have (unlike the staff at Anxiety UK who are all anxiety survivors) it can be useful just to talk - but you should try to make each conversation end on a positive note. Sometimes venting without reaching any kind of solution is a relief, sometimes it can make you feel temporarily worse.

I do think you need to reach out to someone and unburden yourself.