View Full Version : I cure you in one week bet ?

05-03-11, 16:31
As i said i will cure you and after that you will pay me (if you want).
any body want to be free ?

05-03-11, 16:35
How you going to do that then ?

05-03-11, 16:36

05-03-11, 16:37
How you going to do that then ?
give me your email you will recive information

05-03-11, 16:37
Roymakkay - I suggest you re-read the forum rules before posting anymore


In particular the last paragraph

05-03-11, 16:38
This poor one want be cured, pay you for shamanic magic dance with juju bones.

Walk on hot coal?
you will see after other memeber of this forum will speak.

05-03-11, 16:38
Roymakkay - I suggest you re-read the forum rules before posting anymore


In particular the last paragraph

ok sorry but ... what im doing wrong now ? asking for one email to show people that he/she can be cured ? i know you dont belive but ... give me a chance
ok i wont advertise no more sites !

05-03-11, 16:41
give me your email you will recive information

I dont give out my Email address .You can pm me tho ..sue

05-03-11, 16:42
What you are doing wrong is PM'ing members without asking them first offering a miracle cure!

05-03-11, 16:47

05-03-11, 16:51
Can you send me a magic wand (made from birch) in the post?

Many thanks.

05-03-11, 16:54
lol :emot-pinochio:

05-03-11, 16:55
:roflmao: Im still waiting for reply :whistles: sue

05-03-11, 16:55

05-03-11, 16:57
ok i send it to you
and remember

The results tend to be the better, the more people are willing to listen to my advice. In vast majority of cases, however, people simply ignored my suggestions, or merely conformed to only one thing out of many. However, if someone listened carefully and did as I recommended, in all the cases I remember, the therapy was successful and led to a permanent treatment.

i send two message to members of this forum
i will not send any more message. antill they will speak about results
this is free no money i take

05-03-11, 17:00
Make it quick please! :lac:

05-03-11, 17:02
Thank you - PM is now recycled.

05-03-11, 17:04
Reminds me of waiting for paint to dry :lac::whistles:

05-03-11, 17:06
Reminds me of waiting for paint to dry :lac::whistles:
Nah, that's more interesting Sue.

05-03-11, 17:11
I don't believe that any person with such terrible grammar could cure a piece of ham let alone anxiety disorder.....:winks:

05-03-11, 17:12
I don't believe that any person with such terrible grammar could cure a piece of ham let alone anxiety disorder.....:winks:
are you blind I`m polish

05-03-11, 17:13
:roflmao: Im still waiting for reply :whistles: sue

suzy-sue have you recived two massage ?
this same question to Melancholia77 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=23731)

05-03-11, 17:13
How you going to do that then ?

He can't tell you, you have to pay first !! ;)

Excuse me while I go burn a £10 note, probably a better use of money than anything this joker has to offer !!!

05-03-11, 17:14
I don't believe that any person with such terrible grammar could cure a piece of ham let alone anxiety disorder.....:winks:

LOVE IT!! :roflmao:

05-03-11, 17:14
sO IM NOT GOING TO GET THE INFO NOW THEN ? Ive waited all this time for nothing :lac:..Im utterly devastated ..:weep:

05-03-11, 17:14
He can't tell you, you have to pay first !! ;)

Excuse me while I go burn a £10 note, probably a better use of money than anything this joker has to offer !!!

I told them for free ! i send them all nessesary information

05-03-11, 17:16
No I havnt had any pm s from you ..

05-03-11, 17:16
sO IM NOT GOING TO GET THE INFO NOW THEN ? Ive waited all this time for nothing :lac:..Im utterly devastated ..:weep:

I send you via email !!!!!!!!, I send to via this forum you have got what you want ! : )

05-03-11, 17:17

05-03-11, 17:22
Can you cure


05-03-11, 17:24
MM - that is clearly a plastic wand. Only birch ones work. Silver-green, specifically.

Government cuts I'm afraid Dahlia :lac:

05-03-11, 17:25
I would like to be cured in a week. Can I have a PM too?

MM - that is clearly a plastic wand. Only birch ones work. Silver-green, specifically.

ok write to me pm i will write to you back with info

05-03-11, 17:28
Can you cure


what ? you dont like what i write ? what is the problem melancholia77 ?

05-03-11, 17:31
Generalised Anxiety Disorder.....but being such an expert i assume you knew that lol :-)

05-03-11, 17:34
what ? you dont like what i write ? what is the problem melancholia77 ?

How old are you Roy?

05-03-11, 17:35
Thank you for your PM s ..In all fairness he is not selling anything .He says its free but you can donate to him when you see it works ..It s information about certain supplements and how they help .Being someone who has considerable knowledge of this .It does make sense .But I wouldnt say it was a cure as such .It would certainly help you tho .As I take certain supplements myself and see the benefits ..However this site isnt about making money for yourself and breaches the rules .Unless you could donate to NMP Instead ? We give our advice and tips for free here and its not for personal financial gain . Its a support site :D.. sue

05-03-11, 17:43
How old are you Roy?

25 you ?

05-03-11, 17:44
Oh good, that's great then. Maybe you would like to outline the information as to how people can help themselves on the thread here rather than making it appear so secretive and therefore "scam like"? As there is no money or payment requested I am sure this would not be a problem....

I believe that everyone would like to know such advice on diet and nutrition - as long as it comes from a qualified, credited source of course.

The overall "I Can Cure You" approach is inappropriate on a site like this though. If this was true I am sure you would be in possession of some medical prize for your amazing, proven achievement after all....

05-03-11, 17:49
Diet and nutrition could help, and are always a good idea for general wellbeing, but I would be very suprised to hear of anyone who has been 'cured' of anxiety or other mental health problems purely by this.

Roymakkay, feel free to start a thread with this information for members to look at, but dont expect anyone is going to pay you for info you have more than likely taken from other sources or just copied and pasted from the web.

05-03-11, 17:50
i hope its good translated

1. inositol, and we buy high doses, say, 5 times higher than recommended. In clinical studies, inositol has proved to be much more effective than selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, given on the occasion of ZERO side effects - and even having positive effects, for example, protects against cancer, strengthens the immune system, hair, etc.. In these studies, was taken even higher doses of inositol (perhaps 50 times larger than recommended), but this is just too high costs on profits

2. We go to the page and read about linseed oil, then we do a complementary therapy, omega 3 - the need here is to keep a low fat diet, without this therapy will be many times lower efficiency, it is important to keep in the first Okresní low amounts of omega 6 in the diet. You can do this treatment with linseed oil, can be roasted or ground flax seeds. Fish oil, incidentally, because of the heavy metals content, high price (high-dose therapy would require 20 capsules per day for example) and different length chains of fatty acids. Anyhow - fish oil therapy requires from 1 to 3 grams of EPA per day, broken into portions. Such a dose in clinical trials resulted in significant improvement in health status and this is generally recommended.

This is probably the most important part of therapy, as the omega-3 deficiencies have virtually all of nourishing a "normal" - mainly because of the presence of saturated (zoonoses), fats in the diet, which block the metabolism of these acids. Not only the cerebral areas responsible for the well-being are built in large part to the omega 3, but also their high intake of strongly protects against cancer, for example, or heart disease - for example, have very small amounts of omega 3 in the study reduced the risk of heart attack twice.

3. Vitamin B. It is mainly about niacin and thiamine, but they act synergistically - so you should provide all jednocześnie.W stake or vitamins for athletes, those with several thousand percent of demand, or high-dose tablets of vitamin B complex, so for example, 20 mg thiamine. The easiest way B6 overdose, it should not be more than 50 mg, although the toxicity begins with 100 mg. I note that it is also present in the formulations of magnesium.

4. magnesium and potassium. Approximately 300 mg of magnesium ions (note to convert the compound of magnesium ions - 400 mg of magnesium may contain only 50 mg of ions) with supplements, to the rich in potassium - the best bananas, tomatoes can also be. No matter which treatment of magnesium, even though they are probably the best amino acid chelates.

5. Discontinuation of caffeine - coffee, tea, cola. It is quite popular myth that marijuana induced anxiety attacks - such action is in practice a mixture of caffeine and THC (although hard to tell for sure, research in this direction are illegal), so you might as well say that the neurosis produces coffee.

6. Vitamin D. If it is summer - tan without the filter if you do not have - supplements, and more on topics of vitamin D. Of course, its deficiency often causes acute drive in the psyche, is also very common.

so...before i start this vitamin maraton
i eat coaxil 1 pill a day and propranolol 40 mg/day and i stell eat this

but only after eat vitamins as i recomend up in text i feel 100 % free
without it is sheet
remember vit d one a day (it can be dengerous)...
you need to eat food dinner breakfast etc. !!!!!!!!! 3 meal a day at least
any questions write to me...

SAP (anxiety)
I have cured many people of SAP and never - I mean NEVER - have I met a person suffering from the disease and not react to the treatment I offer. The results tend to be the better, the more people are willing to listen to my advice. In vast majority of cases, however, people simply ignored my suggestions, or merely conformed to only one thing out of many. However, if someone listened carefully and did as I recommended, in all the cases I remember, the therapy was successful and led to a permanent treatment. All this due to one simple reason – SAP is a result of a decrease in our endurance to stress factors. The said decrease arises mainly from past illnesses or bad diet. All the information presented here result from researches and recommendations of dietitians. In all the cases supplemented diet caused SAP to recede, etc.

SAP is a symptom. Always, unless someone has suffered from it since childhood, in which case, it tends to be a result of some congenital defect. The question is, what? And here is where we may encounter a problem. There are dozens of diseases that may trigger SAP.

There is no such thing as SAP triggered by, for instance, bad relationships within a family or similar things. If SAP appears after such events it means a decrease in stress endurance, which needs to be increased. It doesn't mean you are a victim of stress.

When can you expect the results of therapy? It depends on the source of problem. We add to our diet substances that we haven’t been supplied for many, many years. In some cases, supplementing may take a few weeks, in other, a few months. Yet, strong improvement should be noticeable already after a few days. Even if the problem lies in deficiency of, say, omega 3, which takes long to supplement, supplying the brain with other substances will reinforce it to such an extent that our endurance to stress will sky rocket.

An attempt to identify the cause of illness.

You can undergo medical examination or take my therapy right away.

- TSH, FT3, FT4 - If a person is treating a thyroid dysfunction, He or she doesn’t even have to do it. Badly treated thyroid will ALWAYS result In depression and/or anxiety. The question is show strong the symptoms are.
- blood morphology, peripheral blood smear, iron
- calcium, magnesium, potassium, chloride, sodium
- liver function tests, bilirubin
- uric acid in blood, creatinine in blood
- urinalysis
- concentration of vitamin B12 in blood

These tests are cheap and quite often they do not reveal much - they cover only a minor part of diseases that may result in neurosis. Tests that can reveal the remaining diseases are very expensive. At times they cost even thousands of $, which is why instead of, for instance, examining the concentration of vitamin D that costs 150$, it is better to buy the vitamin for a few $. You can't overdose with the amounts necessary for deficiencies regulation.

We must ensure that we are not allergic and do not have, for instance, mould at home. We need to entirely put away caffeine – coffee, tea, coca-cola

by the way 90% wont do it ; )

feed your brains bye I`m going party

05-03-11, 17:51
I already take two of the supplements and they do help a lot .I do find you are what you eat ..If you eat cr*p you will feel like cr*p .I have read about all the vitamin /supplements on here from others who take them .One of them even has its own page on the Forum .It would be nice if you had come on here and told us your story and how you recovered .No one else has asked for anything ,so the Welcome you have recieved here today would be a response to that ,and not because we are unfriendly Roy . sue

05-03-11, 17:54
There are some quite insulting posts on here to a new member (Roy) so I am going to remove some of them !

05-03-11, 20:22
As i said i will cure you and after that you will pay me (if you want).
any body want to be free ?

You need your bumps felt if you think any of us as deluded enough to believe that tripe

I think you need to go to fairystories.com :wacko:

05-03-11, 20:25
Lordy! Thank fook you turned up BB! See what happens when you leave the building :lac:

05-03-11, 20:28

Why thank you MM.


05-03-11, 22:12
Well that livened up an otherwise uneventful evening. Enjoy the rest of your evening friends. Chris x

05-03-11, 23:05

05-03-11, 23:44
I just wanted to say thankyou to you Roymakkay... there is some really good advice regarding supplements. I just think it's a shame some people have been quite hostile and dismissive of you... it's totally uncalled for. How many people I wonder are willing to completely change their lifestyle to become healthy and possibly anxiety free? We can't smoke, drink, eat rubbish, and expect to be physically or psychologically healthy.. can we? Good luck to you Roy...

05-03-11, 23:49
The original post was edited and changed a few times.

People do not need to be so rude regardless of what the member is offering.

06-03-11, 05:17
Eek! Thought I was on the wrong site :wacko:

06-03-11, 10:10
More that a little far fetched and optimistic to make claims of a cure in one week i think...But i do know that in my experience what i eat/drink,lifestyle etc can have a big impact on my mental aswell as physical heath...I have been taking a particular high strength supp for approx 3/4 yrs and there was a point where i stopped taking and became very unwell again with anx/panic..One could argue that it was coincidental/psychological but i a back on it now, and along with trying to maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle, touchwood i have felt ok...I think it can pay to have an open mind..

06-03-11, 10:51
I would say when dealing with anything especially something like mental issues then the psychological approach is a safe bet for success. This person is doing nothing more than we could not do for ourselves except we struggle to convince ourselves and often need an outside source (counsellor, analyst etc) to convince us. He could convince us that a diet of Walkers cheese and onion crisps would cure us and undoubtedly there would be a small success rate and if half the successful people sent a couple of quid that’s a nice earner just for telling folk to eat crisps. It’s really a basic scam reworked to pray on peoples weaknesses, especially if those people have a ‘desease’ that is incurable or difficult to cure. :)

06-03-11, 13:39
Feduptohere, well said... I used to be in group therapy with at least 3 other's who would drag themselves into group, complaining that they were ill and suicidal (always after a night's drinking and heavy smoking)... I wonder what people expect from their bodies? I learnt the hard way, that what you put in, you get out :( Some people just aren't ready or willing to sacrifice their lifestyles in favour of better physical and mental health :( And I just wanna say that some of the comments on this thread are plain rude and obnoxious!! You know who you are...

06-03-11, 14:16
Can't see anybody rubbishing what the OP had to say - once he got round to actually saying it, instead of playing games. Not one thing he lists as being helpful hasn't been discussed on NMP many times before.

As for the title of the thread? What a load of nonsense. I've been on professionally-prescribed mineral therapy (principally for CFS/ME but it's also allowed me to stop taking beta-blockers and IBS meds) for 10 months and it's definitely made a difference but progress has been slow, not some magic, overnight cure.

06-03-11, 14:34
This may sound a bit of the wall but I had ME in the middle 1980's and only started to improve after seeing a faith healer. Placebo effect or paranormal intervention you make your own mind up ! roymakkay may indeed be a charlatan however some things are beyond rational scientific explanation and i am glad of that fact.

06-03-11, 14:38
Can't see anybody rubbishing what the OP had to say - once he got round to actually saying it, instead of playing games. Not one thing he lists as being helpful hasn't been discussed on NMP many times before.

As for the title of the thread? What a load of nonsense. I've been on professionally-prescribed mineral therapy (principally for CFS/ME but it's also allowed me to stop taking beta-blockers and IBS meds) for 10 months and it's definitely made a difference but progress has been slow, not some magic, overnight cure.

I write what I have to say, you dont belive "my terapy", you havent try my terapy but you sure it is not working ok your business. I will not try to change your belives.

06-03-11, 14:43
I write what I have to say, you dont belive "my terapy", you havent try my terapy but you sure it is not working ok your business. I will not try to change your belives.

100% not what I said.

06-03-11, 14:52
7.In the case of total cholesterol below 140 for them to eat large quantities of coconut oil - a healthy way to improve. Too low cholesterol is more unhealthy than too high - the levels of the hormones responsible for mood and disappear in the brain blood vessels, etc..

letter I will write about
8.sulfur deficiency
9.Possible fluoride poisoning
10.therapy removes mercury from the body

and thats all

06-03-11, 17:05
Hi Roy, could you let us know what your professional qualifications are in this field, and some more details about the research you have carried out ?

It will help set peoples minds at ease, and you are more likely to get a better response from your posts.

Also, I think it is worth pointing out that there are many reasons for people to have anxiety, and often complexly interwoven with other events and problems. I dont think a guaranteed one week cure using just supplements is very realistic for people with PTSD, bi-polar or many other ailments, otherwise the medical profession would have been using this years ago.

It is interesting though, I take fish oil supplements, multi vitamins, and have cut out caffeine, so would be interested to see what benefits people in your studies have had purely from this approach without meds or therapy as well.

06-03-11, 17:29
Feduptohere.....And I just wanna say that some of the comments on this thread are plain rude and obnoxious!! You know who you are...

Agreed. I know "who i am". My comments were intended to be obnoxious in response to what i percieve as a very obnoxious opening statement "I cure you in one week bet" this was a deliberate choice to make regarding the tone of my posts. I do not feel apologetic for this tone. I am pleased to see however that Roy has since shared his information in the public domain.

I agree Roy makes some excellent points made regarding diet and supplements. I am currently awaiting a whole host of vitamin and mineral level tests back myself and think that maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is critical to recovery.

However, I don't believe there are any points made I would want to pay Roy for as mentioned in his earlier post. I also do not believe that diet alone will cure metal illness except in a very, very small % of cases where the cause is proven to be deficiency related.

The only thing I am closed minded about in this conversation is the request for payment - even if voluntary. It does not sit comfortably with what I thought was the ethos of this particular site??? I do not think that posts on here from people asking for money or "donations" for their advice should be encouraged. However I am perhaps in a minority here so will leave my comments there :unsure:

06-03-11, 17:43
When I first saw this thread, I thought it was a scam. Jesus, if someone could cure me in one week I'd give them my car. In fact you can have it anyway, I hate it but with a bit of money spent it would be ok.

My point is, I've been fighting anxiety and depression for 2 years now and the closest I've found to a "miracle" cure is inositol, which is not miraculous and will certainly not cure you in a week.

Actually when I try omega 3 supplements they make my thoughts confused and I find it hard to concentrate after a few days so I don't use them, and I don't like coconut. I'd recommend inositol to anyone who is able to take it (or find any).

06-03-11, 17:47
Feduptohere......do you really think that?

"As i said i will cure you and after that you will pay me (if you want).
any body want to be free ?"

I feel the above message provided by Roy to be quite clear however we "translate" it. As I say....I am actually quite distressed that someone would imply they wanted paying for helping people on this site - aren't you?

06-03-11, 17:57
I agree Roy makes some excellent points made regarding diet and supplements.

The only thing I am closed minded about in this conversation is the request for payment - even if voluntary. It does not sit comfortably with what I thought was the ethos of this particular site??? I do not think that posts on here from people asking for money or "donations" for their advice should be encouraged. However I am perhaps in a minority here so will leave my comments there :unsure:

I am enclined to agree with you here and did say about this .Perhaps they do things different where Roy comes from ?.I dont know .People who ask for donations or money for information will always be met with some form of hostility .After all its the internet and Spammers are everywhere Also miracle cures dont exist .My first post to Roy was lost when His first thread was deleted .It was saying as much .Pointless writing it again .But lets give him a chance ,he means well I think :shrug:.No need for further unpleasantness . sue

06-03-11, 18:04
But lets give him a chance ,he means well I think :shrug:.No need for further unpleasantness . sue


06-03-11, 18:21
Feduptohere......do you really think that?

"As i said i will cure you and after that you will pay me (if you want).
any body want to be free ?"

I feel the above message provided by Roy to be quite clear however we "translate" it. As I say....I am actually quite distressed that someone would imply they wanted paying for helping people on this site - aren't you?

Yes I wanted to get money from it !
besides there is something like gratitude
but I give you this for free so
you shouldnt now post about my previous intencions

06-03-11, 18:27
Yes Roy. Thanks for the honest response. It's shame we got off to such a bad start. I have some experience of internet scams and am most definitely cynical of anyone asking for ££ before providing info...hence the initial hostility.

Thank you for the information you shared. A lot of it makes sense. So what is your own story with Anxiety and Depression?

How come you came to join us on the forum??

06-03-11, 18:30
I think everyone who read the posts will agree that it looked like a scam or spammer .Since then Roy has posted his information for all to see .I dont see the point it turning this thread into an arguement here .Everyone has had their say now .So lets just get on with the discussion and let Roy have his say .Hes stuck around so we dont want him to get the wrong idea of what we are like here do we ?. sue

06-03-11, 18:39
Sorry. I thought I was in the last post. Apologies if that read wrong. I was trying to ask Roy about himself....oops. :-(

06-03-11, 18:42
our posts crossed jenbo ...:sign20: Didnt see yours :doh: ..suex

06-03-11, 18:47
Ahh.....writing in synch Suzy-Sue....that's all good then :-) x

06-03-11, 18:49
Ally2701....it's ok the white flag and olive branch is already out there lol :-D

06-03-11, 19:20
Yes Roy. Thanks for the honest response. It's shame we got off to such a bad start. I have some experience of internet scams and am most definitely cynical of anyone asking for ££ before providing info...hence the initial hostility.

Thank you for the information you shared. A lot of it makes sense. So what is your own story with Anxiety and Depression?

How come you came to join us on the forum??

Ok so It started to sick (anxiety)when i was 12-13.
Anxiety + big fear (dad alcoholic+problems at school)
stress + stress + stress
In 2006 it transformed in social phobia.... night shift jobs + i started not to eat because of stress.
Ok I started to eat pills and work with my problems
I eat Venlafaxinum (good at the begining like every pills from doctors)
than I discovered kudzu(chinese root) nice but loses his powers after freugent eating.
Then I started to eat propranolol nice ! my hart stoped to bit so strong
+ coaxil ... at the begining nice after few weeks shit.
So I eaten propranolol 40 mg/day + 10 mg coaxil
I had problems to walk.... (muscles stapled) sometimes yes sometimes no

And what now, after eating vitamins. I see big change I can walk lets say free, chillout. I dont feel In my brain... something that i felt before (energy in forehad).

my muscles are not stapled when me brain is feed up with this vitamins I dont think about bad things. but of course I still have got sometimes bad days, good days but Iven when i had bad day i wont get panic in supermarket.
my anxiety simptoms are very low, or none

So I personaly belive that anxiety/neurosis and other mental ilness is because you dont feed your brain with vitamins because there is not too much vitamins in our food.

chelated magnesium is the best by the way others. ... i think no good

06-03-11, 19:56
Do you know i feel lucky to have only got this in my 30's.....it must be so,so, so much harder to deal with as a child :-(. You've done amazingly well to get yourself to such a strong point when your bad days are the same as many peoples (including me) good days! I do see where you are coming from saying that it's due to dietary deficiency. My own issues with anxiety started after having a baby and i have often wondered if the pregnancy depleted my body's levels of key vitamins. I gave up all caffeine including chocolate and alchohol, i am in a running club, i have taken numerous supplements and used UV light treatment. However i haven't seen a great change except from CBT throughout 2009 and now as of 3 weeks ago Citalopram......i am feeling a little better from these at the moment so am keeping fingers crossed!!!! :-)

06-03-11, 21:24
I didn't find it at all distressing or insulting that Roy asked for money... I thought it was actually quite funny... maybe us Brits take ourselves a little too seriously at times :)

06-03-11, 23:06
Well he can but try :D..As he says forget it now .This after all is a free Panic website . sue

07-03-11, 00:30

I think that a healthy diet and lifestyle is good no matter if you dealing with a mental or physical illness or if you are quite well with no health worries at all. If you do have a health problem then clearly you need to create the conditions for your body to function as best it can so the healthy diet with all the nutrients and vitamins etc. makes sense.

I reckon from Roy's story he has had a great deal to handle and I'm not surprised that he developed anxiety problems. I'm glad to hear about the good days because it is encouraging.

However, I would also say that not everything works for everyone and it is important to keep an open mind. If just vitamins and supplements work, great...if you need to take medications, well that's alright too. Maybe you need a combination. We are individuals and we shouldn't be surprised if we need individual treatment.

But there are no magic wands....my illness took a long time to develop and I know it will take a long time to treat. I bet there's a lot of others here who would say the same. I just want to get better so I will keep working at that although I might look at the supplements.

18-03-11, 23:36
I`m tottaly cured. I fill great ( i think about myself very good)

I eat propranolo 40 mg, coaxil one pill,
+ chealated magnesium + b vitamin complex
and eat 3 meals a day iven whan i `m not hungry

i didnt think it will be so easy **** im angry that it wont happned before :/

blue moon
18-03-11, 23:43
My Husband is Psychiatrist and Doctor,I show him this when he is home.....Interesting to hear what he say.
Petra x

18-03-11, 23:49
totally cured is good !

no idea what you are on about though sorry

19-03-11, 00:15
Roy has cured hinself from anxiety by taking those Nic .Well done Roy ..I couldnt take Propanolol they upset my stomach .Glad it works for you tho ..t.c SUE x

19-03-11, 09:35
Does this mean that rather than practising what he has preached Roy has "cured" himself with propranolol and an antidepressant? :shrug: Glad you feel better Roy but I'm a bit confused.

19-03-11, 10:16
Does this mean that rather than practising what he has preached Roy has "cured" himself with propranolol and an antidepressant? :shrug: Glad you feel better Roy but I'm a bit confused.

I just read the whole thread now and I agree with you Jane C. It's good he feels better but if he is still taking drugs how does he know it has been the natural remedies that have cured him? Anyway there is a natural remedies section on this forum and pretty much everything he mentioned has already been covered here. I personally don't know of anyone cured of mental illness, relief through natural supplementsyes, but cured, no.

19-03-11, 10:24
Roy.... go away

19-03-11, 11:20
Sekost, why the hostility? I think you're out of order. Roy has as much right to be here as you or anyone else...

19-03-11, 12:16
Hi Roy,

Thanks for your information, I think that some people may have now realised that nutrition, etc is probably one of the best forms of keeping healthy.

As for the hostility, it's disappointing. To treat a new member like that, it tars us all with the same brush. I bet if you were treated like this when you came here, regardless of what you said, you would have a horrible impression of the site and never come back even if you were paid to do so.

Roy says he has his bad days - so do we, when we do we are most likely to come here right? Well what if Roy needed someone to listen? Where's he going to go?

So, essentially, the people who are being hostile, there is no need to read these posts or comment on them if you dislike both oh so much.

Chrissy x

19-03-11, 12:34
Well said Chrissy! Live and let live.. some people seem to have very low tolerance levels :( Perhaps some high strength multi-vits and a good b complex would help? Plus plenty of exercise, a healthy diet, low or zero caffeine, no cigs or alcohol... this may go some way to calming people's hostility?

19-03-11, 12:56
Most people are low in Magnesium. It is supposed to help anxiety. The B vitamins are also low in most people due to bad diets, and stress. B-complex helps!

I have not tried Inositol but did post on another thread what I found on Internet about it. I am trying Holy Basil right now and will say so far so good. It is also a natural supplement.

I cut back on coffee (not completely cut it out), limit myself to 1 cup in morning and 1 Coke in the afternoon.

I exercise (not fanatically) but about 3 times a week (walking or bike riding). I do believe in meditation, and EFT (I have posted another thread on that as well).

I do massage when I can afford it and have tried acupunture. I currently see my chiropractor once a week for adjustments. My insurance covers it and my co-pay is very low. Adjustments are supposed to keep your nervous system in check and help you handle stress better! I can't remember the last time I was physically sick either which I contribute to my chiropractor.

I wish all of you peace and a good weekend:)

blue moon
19-03-11, 21:12
Roy.... go away

please don't be mean.
Petra x

19-03-11, 21:21
I had anxiety -> social phobia -> anxiety -> and now :)

I had social phobia
I started to eat propranolol + coaxil and I felt 2x better
but still no good.

Later I start to overdose vitamin b and mangesium (chealated)
and eat food 3x times a day even when i wasnt hungry

Every day I felt better. I will tell you more, I finish my studies and I dont have got job now and this sitting in home cant kill my confidence and open mined.
I still eat propranolol and coaxil because i dont want to take a risk...mayby I`m addicted

becuase I had nutritional deficiencies. (1-2 months of eating)
So if you had deficiencies of vit b (for example) you cant eat standart day portion It want help you should overdose, how much i write before.

I think that without magnesium + vit B + eat 3x a day I wouldn feel so good !
This help me...
I strong belive that all anxiety it is because of nutritional deficences
That my opinion it help me i cant tell if it will help you but i`m very sure that it will
I dont have got this feeling in frontal lobe.
I smoke sometimes but dont feel good after that

your body speak to you when you quit smoking .... you feel no good nervous
yout body speak to you when you dont give him vit b/others ...... mental desises

because i feed my brain iven if i feed it with vit that i dont have got efficienty my stress level resistance is so high that i feel good.

19-03-11, 22:47
hi Roy
i like you a lot and thinks its hash the way you was first approaches.
i have kept seeing this post and ignoring it cos thought it was spam. glad i read now
I'm upset that no body makes you read people post you don't have to be mean its wrong and think too many people on here believe they are high and mighty with anxieties and no everything cos they have suffered for longer. also think too many people believe medication is the only way a head. i no some suffer more than others. but 4 months ago i would avoid every where i wouldn't go shop or any where.
I'm now different yes i suffer still but i force my self to change my life and my anxiety i go out and have a panic attack there rather be living then not.

i changed it through will power and changes to my life style.

i like yourpost cos you are saying its about changing your own life style which is right. no one else can make you better. and like in a previous poster on here said some people go drink etc them complain of being a mess. that's not helping or wanting to it better

as for charging you actual offered the info first and said say after ifit worked.
its good most have apologiee for the wrong behavoir but some haven't shame full. x x

system well done to you for helping your self x x