View Full Version : Is this stress

05-03-11, 17:01
Do all my symptoms sound like stress related

Chest pain
Phobia about health
Stabbing pains in arms, legs back
Stomach cramp
Weight Loss
loss of interest of sex
High BP 160/97 highet - lowest 138/88

Am going through hard time at moment - My hubby lost job and money/rent is a constant worry and haave started drinking daily though not heavily - 1 or 2 pints
Alsso constantly checkin BP which average is 147/90

05-03-11, 17:19

Indigestion is the only one on your list that I cannot tick, oh and blood pressure - I haven't a clue how to take my BP!!

I would say yes, stress and anxiety can cause all of those symptoms and if you are having a difficult time at the moment then that would explain it.

Half the battle is recognising it's stress/anxiety induced. Hope things improve for you very soon.

K xx

05-03-11, 17:25
For me, indigestion is a BIG symptom of stress / anxiety. I'd say all your symptoms would point to that.
Have you tried soda water-helps settle my stomach big time (I got this tip from a friend who is a dietician).
Also, deep breathing can be really helpful too. Gives you something to focus on and has physiological benefits too.

Hope things improve soon, it's always so hard to see that difficult times do pass and the days will become easier x

05-03-11, 17:52
Yep! I have every single symptom you've listed!

05-03-11, 17:52
thanks guys

bp dropped again to 144/88 so trying to de stress but its hard as hubby is a karaoke compere so have to go to pubs for him to get work and i work in a pub when im needed so its hard on the drink front

05-03-11, 18:22
Most of the above except headache and bp , oh and lack of sex drive , thats the wifes department :roflmao:

I,m the same with the beer aswell :blush: