View Full Version : New to thiss...:/

05-03-11, 18:49
Heyy im molly, im 16 and i suffer from severe anxiety OCD and intrusive thoughts. I joined this because i feel like i really need some help from people that are like me.

05-03-11, 18:52
Hi Mollyharwood

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-03-11, 18:52
Thank youu

05-03-11, 20:15
Hi Molly,
Welcome. How long have you had anxiety for? I also have anxiety...it was very bad, and I had agoraphobia, but it's getting better :D
Are you on any medication, or had any counselling?
You'll get lots of support on here,

05-03-11, 20:38
:welcome:to NMP Molly Im pretty new here myself but it looks like a good place to find people to talk to it certainly helps to know there are others who know how it may feel to go through such things i hope you find somthing that helps.


~glowly worm~
05-03-11, 21:04
Hey Molly & Dogma :)

Joining this site has been one of the most important steps in my recovery i really hope it helps you both as much - am sure it will :)



p.s..i too have severe ocd x

05-03-11, 21:16
I had severe anxiety and agoraphobia which are both improving now and was overwhelmingly grateful to come across this site as it's provided me with so much support. I hope you also gain some support and maybe some lovely friends from the site too :)

05-03-11, 23:11
Hey Molly & Dogma :)

Joining this site has been one of the most important steps in my recovery i really hope it helps you both as much - am sure it will :)



p.s..i too have severe ocd x

Thankyou Glowly :)


06-03-11, 11:08
midgey - ive always had bad anxiety, but the intrusive thoughts started about 5 months ago

08-03-11, 16:50
Hi Molly,
Can I ask what help you've had? I'm wondering if you've ever had any counselling? Or any medication. Tell us a bit more about yourselves, you may find there are things people can help with.

08-03-11, 16:53
Hi Molly!


Remember that you can overcome this and get back to leading a normal life i sufferd from when i was about 13 im now 23 and have been able to live a normal life for most of that!

Positive thoughts and support will get you through this!

~glowly worm~
08-03-11, 22:50
* hugs back dogma ;) * xxx

09-03-11, 20:34
Im seeing a psycologist at the moment, ive never taken medication, and im hopefully seeing a psyciatrist soon [: