View Full Version : Scoliosis

05-03-11, 21:03
Hi I'm new to the site my 14 yr old daughter has scoliosis of the spine which is progressing she has an S curvature which was 60 degrees in May last year when she had her MRI scan and under Manchester childrens hospital. My daughter has been waiting for surgery since she was diagnosed in February 2010 and keeps getting new dates she should off had surgery in November 2010 and has been given 4 other dates too. Does anybody know if this is normal to wait this long as she is very self conscience of her body and suffers a lot of pain too, any help here would be great or if anybody else has had the surgery or know of scoliosis I will be happy to hear from you. Thankyou a worried mum Julie

05-03-11, 21:04
Hi Judgejue1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-03-11, 23:13
I'm very sorry to hear of your daughter's condition and predicament Julie. I'm not going to be able to assist with your question as this is largely an anxiety/panic-based forum, but perhaps someone will respond if you post in the Symptoms/Medical Tests sub-forums.

Welcome to NMP and good luck.

Vanilla Sky
06-03-11, 04:22
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x