View Full Version : Sudden sharp head pain

Jamie C
05-03-11, 21:45
The other day i had a sudden sharp pain on left side of my head, where my sinus was, it lasted about 15 seconds and i havent had one since but i'm now starting to freak out over it.... is it something i need to worry about?
anyone else had one....


Jamie C
05-03-11, 21:53
Well i say sinus but it was more that whole corner on the left side of my head i spose, was like a sharp zap or shock or somink... perhaps i shouldn't have googled.. opps

05-03-11, 22:03
Hi JamieC, I get that now and again..takes you a bit by surprise. It's just one of those things that can happen..nothing to worry about. Take care x

06-03-11, 21:59
I get those sharp head pains too x

06-03-11, 22:01
hey jamie c .. i get them all the time :/ infact i get sharp pains every where all the time on a daily basis im sure its just the symptoms of anxiety

07-03-11, 11:56
Hi JamieC,

I often have bunged up / problem sinuses, and I get exactly what you are describing from time to time. Like gaaron said, it sometimes takes you by surprise, but apart from that it causes me no problems, and it's not something I ever worry about.

I first got them about 20 years ago. I thought I had a brain tumour, until the doc said I was fine. And 20 years later I'm still here, so I guess he was right :yesyes:

Jamie C
09-03-11, 00:51
cheers guys, pain is back.. sort of its alot more milder and its like round the sinus bit sort of behind/ round the eye aswell on the left side.. only lasts a little while, its not mega painfull like first time.. just mild.. anything to show concern about? could be mucle tension? necks very tense and lots of tension headaches atm as well as jaw clenching.