View Full Version : new job and awful panic attacks.. what can i do!

05-03-11, 21:46

Sooo.. i'm 23 and just gone into a new job.. i was at my last job for 2 years and lets just say it ended pretty badly.. had my confidence knocked massively and at my part time bar job ive just started (until i manage to find another full time role) ive been suffering awful anxiety and last week a full blown panic attack.

i have to serve customers and also waitress and as soon as i get there my hands start shaking makin it vertually impossible for me to serve. I'm so embarrassed by it. ive been to the doctors and theyv given me anti depressents.. which im not going to take as ive always disagreed with them.

so thats the story! and i'm here to try and understand whats happneing to me and how i can make it stop. :wacko:



05-03-11, 21:47
Hi samantha-lk

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-03-11, 09:56
hello samantha,

welcome to nmp :welcome:
best wishes,

claire :flowers:

07-03-11, 10:14
Hi Samantha.

there will be some reason why your anxiety is kicking in so badly. Its hard to say what, but if it helps, for me, my anxiety kicked in years ago over multiple reasons.
First, childhood issues, nothing serious, but life with my dad made me fearful and nervous.
second, money. I am not good with money, and ima worrier. so anythign to do with money, will spark problems, so anything from a car repair, to a dent in the car perhapos or just being over drawn.
This of course spirals into other things that you cant understand. for no reason i can get anxious about going shopping (too many people, what will I do if i get sick, where will i go).
The best thing to do, is to try (and itshard) to relax. deep breaths, calm your arms and legs, and do that for a good fiveminutesor more, it will seem a lifetime, but it works. dont dwell, but have athink about what brings on the anxiety, then learn to recognise situations and when you hit one, do a relaxation technique.

didnt the doctor recommend a beta blocker like propranolol, if you have anxiety? you take them as and when, and for me, they work wonders.