View Full Version : Just woKe up in a state -help

06-03-11, 05:52
I've just woke up 15 mins ago feeling my heart racing hard and I'm sweating and feel very sick, I'm worried sick something is wrong.help me pls amyone

06-03-11, 05:58
Try to stay calm and take deep breaths. It sounds like you are having a panic attack to me.

06-03-11, 06:01
I was having a good sleep :( I'm scared something is wrong with my heart

06-03-11, 06:16

06-03-11, 06:32
Hi linda Jane
I have just woken up and feel the same way same symptoms
come to the chat room and we can help each other maybe
I hate feeling like this.

06-03-11, 10:48
Sorry iCare, my battery went flat :(. I fell asleep again eventually and just getting up now. Going to doctor tomorrow

06-03-11, 13:21
I've had this happen to me quite a few times. In my opinion it's worse when it happens to you when you wake up than if it was to happen during the day. I've been in tears many nights over it and ended up in a&e a few times. But you're ok, it's just anxiety. It's happened to me when I thought I wasn't anxious at all but obviously somewhere I was. I hope you're feeling better. x