View Full Version : Diabetic ketoacidosis

06-03-11, 12:09
Diabetic ketoacidosis

If you know of somebody who has had this or maybe it's from your own personal experience i'd like to hear from you.

My body and breath seems to have a weird odur that has never appeared before even though i have had anxious periods before in my life.

Dealt with divorce death of a parent etc etc no strange body smell The odur seems to be worse if I eat lots of foods containing high levels of sugar.

I have so far put the smell down to the increased production of adrenaline and it's pervasive effect on my
phyisiology caused by my constant high pulse rate.

After eating anything too sugary I feel rather sick.
anyway thanks for having a look.

Icare real name= Richard

06-03-11, 13:14
Hi Richard

There are alot of diabetics in my family - type 1 so that the worst kind and believe me you would not be posting if you had sugar levels so high you had ketosis! You would be either close to a coma or in one.

The actual smell is like almonds and is on the breath rather than just body odour and it is very strong.

If you read the symptoms of anxiety altered sense of smell if one of them.

I recently had a strange episode of smelling same smell on and off all day - only happened at home and got worse if I touched my nose! I thought I was losing it big time but eventually worked out that it started when i changed my breakfast cereal to an organic one and this cereal was very strong smelling and the smell of it after I had eaten it was lingering in my nasal passages and if I rubbed my nose this made it worst. I stopped eating it and bingo it went completely. So totally innocent things can cause this sort of thing. Have you changed your diet recently.

also if you are worried about type 2 diabetes then go to any big name pharmacy like Lloyds or asda and they will do a free glucose test on you.

06-03-11, 13:26
Thanks county girl for the speedy reply ... Yes Anx does have an effect on the senses but it's not just me that can smell it !
My clothes reek of the stuff i'ts especially strong from my fingertips,armpits and family and friends have confirmed that they have noticed it.
It's a strong smell like a chemical cleaning agent kind of acrid like you would find in a shop product I don't come into contact with anything like that as i am asthmatic and avoid using and or proximity to petrochemicals. Weird !

06-03-11, 19:12
You obviously do have some sort of smell if other people notice it - I did not realise this in your first post sorry. I know this sounds odd but it is more likely to be related to food consumption - my husband cannot eat curry or chilli because one of the spices and we still don't know which one makes him smell like a car exhaust pipe for days - it is really strong and even he can taste it and its just like the old exhaust fumes before they fitted catalytic converters to cars. If he kept on eating whatever it is then he would have this awful chemical smell all the time.

Do you have the smell every single day all the time??
If so is there one food you are suddenly eating most days???

If you really can't pin it down then do visit your Gp but it certainly does not sound like the smell of a diabetic as its very specific almonds.

06-03-11, 20:15
Yes this is a bit of a mystery The pong as I call it appeared a week or so before my heart rate stayed at a constant elevated rate and about 10 days after i had an allergic reaction to ciprofloxacin.

06-03-11, 22:44
Ah wonder if its related to your allergic reaction. My son was born with allergy to artificial food colouring and apart from a nasty allergy rash on his face he also smelt like nail varnish remover - the Dr said if she hadn't known what was wrong with him ( he had eaten some coloured jelly at a party) she would have been whisking him to hospital because he did smell like a diabetic! I nearly posted about this firstly but didn't think it would be relevant but now you have mentioned the allergic reaction it is.

I would still see your Dr about it as it will be interesting to him/her!

07-03-11, 23:13
Just as a matter of interest I went out to my local boots today and purchased a testing kit for ketones in urine.
first test Negative
second test 3 hours later Negative
did a test 5 mins ago and guess what Positive 15 mg/dl
Now obviously this is a small amount it's under 20 mg/dl but it's there nevertheless.
tomorrow I'm going to find out what level it needs to be at before anything drops off.. Good job I can see the funny side of this !

Oh by the way for those viewing ketones are the chemicals that can make your breath smell of almonds. I gather however that other smells are possible depending on the ketone involved.

08-03-11, 07:06
Hi icare

Can I ask if you have been eating a low carb diet? I just know that a low carb diet causes our bodies to go into ketosis and the urine is full of ketones! I know this from experience as I have followed the atkins low carb diet on an off for years!
I have also had the smell too an this was why!