View Full Version : Need to share my good news!

06-03-11, 14:59
Hi Everyone

I needed to share with you some positive news!

Today I left the house on my own, got in the car, filled it with petrol and then went to Tesco and did some shopping and drove home without any anxiety symptoms. :yesyes:

I kept waiting for them but they didn't appear.

This is a really big achievement for me as I have been scared to leave the house on my own since christmas and terrified of driving.

I am 3 weeks into taking Sertraline so maybe its the drugs helping to calm my mind because I didn't really worry.

I know I still have a long way to go but its a start to getting my life back!

To everyone on here there is hope you can feel better although you feel you are in a deep black hole (i've been there) take each day at a time and do little bits at a time!

Hugs to everyone :hugs:

06-03-11, 15:02
Fantastic Lizzy, a huge achievement which should be really good for your confidence xxx

06-03-11, 15:08
Well done Lizzy, that's fantastic news. Hope you carry on in the same direction!

06-03-11, 15:42
Well done lizzie, really pleased for you. x

margaret jones
06-03-11, 16:37
Well done LIZZY you are a star keep at it together we will all get there give yourself a treat for this great achievment xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-03-11, 16:50
Well done Lizzy!!!

Brilliant acheivement for you. Onwards and Upwards.....


06-03-11, 17:32
WellDone Lizzy
what mg of sertraline are you on
Keep the good work up.


06-03-11, 18:38
Thank to everyones support!

Joan I am taking 50mg of Sertraline.


06-03-11, 19:03
That is brilliant going.....excellent news. Hope to follow in your footsteps one day soon :D.....let us know any more success stories!!! xx

06-03-11, 20:18
Well done Liz....that is fantastic...and its only going to get better!:D