View Full Version : Glandular Fever

06-03-11, 16:52
Hi guys,

Just a quick question - has anyone on here ever had Glandular Fever, while having anxiety at the same time?
I'm just getting slightly concerned, as since the start of Feb (following my diagnosis with being in the latter stages of the virus), I've been feeling terrible, really weak legs, my brain feels foggy, I feel quite shaky, palpitations etc. I know GF is a nasty one, but I'm just worried I'm developing ME or something similar.
Also, when I drink alcohol, I'm fine in the evening, but come the next day I am wiped out and feeling truly awful (worse than any hangover I used to get!) from waking up until going to sleep at night.
Just hoping a can get a little reassurance from anyone :)



06-03-11, 17:12
I had glandular fever twice (and you can't get it twice, so it was quite an achievement - I suspect it was just a resurgence). You will feel properly ill for a good two months, possibly longer. After that, you will feel wiped out (like you feel after having the flu) for a good few months, and be prone to catching any colds, sore throats etc that are about. So, I would say, so far it sounds quite normal for GF.

Regarding the alcohol, did you get liver tests done too? I had jaundice as a symptom of GF, which is quite rare. Although it made me sick after alcohol and I turned yellow, so that might be a clue :).

06-03-11, 19:53
Thanks, that's comforting to hear! Got a liver function test on friday, and all was fine! So maybe I just need to drink less :P. One last thing, I often get tingling all over, like right now, my legs and hands feel all tingly and weird...would this be related to post viral infection stuff? Or related to anxiety? Or maybe a nice dose of both heh!