View Full Version : Severe anxiety and weight loss

06-03-11, 18:32
I wondered if anyone can share their experiences with me of weight loss accompanying severe anxiety.

I went shopping today as desperately needed some new clothes that fit as my clothes had began to hang off me. I was shocked however to discover I have gone down 2 dress sizes and did not like what I saw in the mirror as dont think I have had a good look at myself since this all started 6 months ago.

I am suffering with major daily anxiety attacks but am managing to eat regularly and have breakfast lunch and diner most days but dont snack any more like I used to.

Is this normal or should I be worried?

06-03-11, 19:49
I can relate to this. When my anxiety is really bad it doesn't matter how much I eat, the weight just drops off me. I've been eating like a horse since taking Mirtizapine about 6 months ago but have only managed to put on a quarter of a stone - it's very frustrating!!!

K xx

06-03-11, 19:56
Thanks so much for replying - it helps to know that others have ths weight loss with anxiety. I dont know anyone who has been in the same boat as me so its hard to know whats normal and not anymore, and obviously googlng things gives you all sorts of worrying causes for rapid weight loss.

06-03-11, 20:03
My HA is always cancer and pretty much all kinds of cancer have weight loss as a symptom so I know exactly what you mean.

I've read other posts where people have talked about losing weight because of HA so rest assured you are not alone hun.

You must stop googling though :mad:

K xx

06-03-11, 20:55
Weight loss started with me 12 months ago..42 lb off !!.. I went into a severe anxiety/depression and hadnt realised how little I was eating. When I started to keep a note I was eating less than 1000 cals a day..managed to get it up to 1200 and now 1400 daily. However, thats not enough to put weight back on, not even to maintain my current weight.
Ten months ago GP did full bloods and results were very good but even that didnt help with my eating..anxiety was already set in.

06-03-11, 21:11
I've lost almost 2 stone that I couldn't afford to drop in the first place since my anxiety started. All the doctors either act unconcerned or treat me like I'm not eating properly, which I am actually doing!!

06-03-11, 21:17
I've lost almost 2 stone that I couldn't afford to drop in the first place since my anxiety started. All the doctors either act unconcerned or treat me like I'm not eating properly, which I am actually doing!!

I spoke to my GP twice about how I could sort out this anxiety/eating and he was also unconcerned.
What length of time have you lost your 2 stone shinderuko?.
Ive seen quite a few posts on here about anxiety causing weight to fall off.

06-03-11, 21:19
Its annoying with anxiety, some people lose weight, some people gain.

I went from 23 stone down to 11, now back to 12 but really want to get to 13-14. Im 6ft4 btw and a large build.

06-03-11, 21:20
It took about 2 months maybe for me to notice how much it was, but the time I took to lose it could of been less than that.

06-03-11, 21:38
Piers and shinderuko... people who have been through this have told me it can take some time to start getting the weight back on.. Do you weigh yourself often or keep track of what you eat ?I hate doing this but cant seem to stop it.

06-03-11, 21:50
I do neither as it seems to stress me out more :huh:

07-03-11, 12:17
Its such a relief reading all this - to know I'm not alone. My HA is also to do with cancer and heart problems as I have had a brain tumor and breast cancer scare. I guess I'm in the same boat.

Thanks everyone.

07-03-11, 15:22
This site helped me so much too zo3096. I never thought I would go off my eating but it happened. Wish I could stop the weighing and counting cals though. Its almost like OCD, but I have read that HA is a type of OCD ?

07-03-11, 15:36
loss of weight is so commom with anxiety you have to remember body is working over time your heart beats faster ect ect dont worry your be fine some girls would kill to loss 2 dress sizes god bless

08-03-11, 14:41
Alot of women would love to drop 2 dress sizes, I agree, but when you're already under 8 stone and a size 8 it's not healthy to lose that much weight!

08-03-11, 15:05
I have lost over a stone in weight recently due to severe anxiety. I'm a size 10 so I'm another one who cannot afford to lose so much weight and it's almost impossible to put it back on since I'm eating normally.

08-03-11, 15:12
I've been eating normally again for about 7 months now and I've put on maybe 2lbs :(

08-03-11, 20:52
From what ive read up on..the anxiety weight loss is due to speedier metabolism, inability to relax, disturbed sleep patterns and other things all contribute to the weight loss.

14-03-11, 18:42
Well I've definitely got all of those Zee. I know it sounds good but going to a size 8 (and to be honest even these are a loose fit) is not healthy.

I have definitley been eating much much healthier in an obsessive way and had a couple of weeks after my brain tumor scare where I couldn't eat even a cracker so I know this had an effect on my weight. Its putting it back on I'm struggling with. I will have to take proper note of what I'm eating and see how I can increase calories etc to put weight on.

14-03-11, 18:52
It is a vicious circle; I lost weight because of anxiety, I got better but put on very little weight even though I am now eating more than 2000 cals a day...then I am unwell and weight again falls off - but I worry that the weight as fallen off because maybe I have a serious illness - arrrggghhh

14-03-11, 19:23
It is a vicious circle; I lost weight because of anxiety, I got better but put on very little weight even though I am now eating more than 2000 cals a day...then I am unwell and weight again falls off - but I worry that the weight as fallen off because maybe I have a serious illness - arrrggghhh

I'm exactly the same. I lost a lot of weight due to anxiety. My CBT Therapist put me on Mirtazipine about 6 months ago which is supposed to make you put on weight, and whilst it's given me back my appetite (I eat more now than I have done for years), I've only put on about 3 lbs and so I'm now worrying that there's something wrong stopping me from putting any weight on. It's a vicious cycle :weep:

K xx

14-03-11, 20:51
I agree that worrying about the weight loss just continues to add to the anxiety and causes more weight loss..I get so frustrated with it.. For 5 weeks I managed to up my calories and managed to maintain my weight and then back to square one with the HA !!
The other problem is that not eating enough causes all sorts like low blood sugar episodes and all the symptoms that go along with that.
It took me ages to realise that the hot turns and shakiness were coming from lack of food.

15-03-11, 14:51
After the birth of my 2nd daughter, I lost about 50 pounds because of anxiety. Mind you, I could afford to lose the weight and was very happy with it, but when people asked me how I lost the weight, I told them all I had to do was worry and be anxious! The weight just came off. I was eating normally (I think), but I was always trying to keep busy to keep from being anxious, so maybe the increased activity helped. I would love to lose another 30 pounds after the recent birth of my 3rd baby, but I'd rather if anxiety wasn't the reason that I lost it. A healthy diet and exercise sound a lot better!

15-03-11, 15:01
i am suffering with extreme anxiety and have lost over 2 stone since about nov 2010 but am not eating much as i lose all appetite with my anxiety so can go a few days not eating then a day eating etc,..... i just wish i was one of those people who comfort eat with there anxiety but i just cant even look at food and am down to 6st now :(

15-03-11, 16:44

I'm the same...although I know its because when I get myself all worked up I just don't eat at all!! I just can't face it. Have lost nearly a stone and I was underweight to start with. I'm trying slowly to build up my appetite again but it is really slow going....

15-03-11, 21:11
Do any of you with this problem have occassions when you can suddenly turn very shakey,hot, panicky kind of feeling ?

15-03-11, 21:17
I often get shaky and have 'hot flushes'. I get dizzy a lot too.

15-03-11, 21:36
I think thats our blood sugar levels falling..

Problem is, when you feel like that the last thing you think of is eating something.. I saw a tip online that said to drink half a glass of orange juice or have a couple of sweets to help it.

15-03-11, 21:44
Mine may be associated with my anemia too. I think I may have finally learnt to recognise which symptoms are hunger related and which are anxiety induced.

16-03-11, 09:53
Add me to the list. I also lose weight if I am very anxious! I have to say though that this anxiety is now also making me lose my appetite as well so it's a vicious circle. I hate feeling this way. Know that you are not alone xx

17-03-11, 02:19
During my worse anxiety I lost 20 pounds and was very underweight. I just couldn't hardly eat anything because I felt so gaggy all the time and was afraid to throw up. Also, whenever I ate my heart would just pound, which is part of my panic/ tachycardia.
As time went on, and also taking some Ativan during that time, I finally could start to eat. I've gained almost all of my weight back, but it took several months to do this. I tapered off the Ativan a couple of months ago and only take one now if I really need to. (which has been about twice in the last couple of months). Just know that you will gain your weight back, it just takes a lot of time. I also put butter on everything and ate high caloric food, and healthy food also.
Hope you feel better soon.

17-03-11, 03:38
Do any of you with this problem have occassions when you can suddenly turn very shakey,hot, panicky kind of feeling ?

i get this alot plus with light-headed dizzy feeling

17-03-11, 03:39

I'm the same...although I know its because when I get myself all worked up I just don't eat at all!! I just can't face it. Have lost nearly a stone and I was underweight to start with. I'm trying slowly to build up my appetite again but it is really slow going....

i just cant eat when feeling anxious full stop then i can get a good day where i will eat not much but good for me then the next day could be anxious again n i wont eat then for another full day so am not gaining any weight or what i am taking on am burning off i just dont no what to do anymore

17-03-11, 03:40
Add me to the list. I also lose weight if I am very anxious! I have to say though that this anxiety is now also making me lose my appetite as well so it's a vicious circle. I hate feeling this way. Know that you are not alone xx

soon as i feel anxious my appetite goes straight away :weep:

17-03-11, 15:08
My appetite goes as well with high anxiety..Have to calm down before I can touch anything.

I have trouble sometimes deciding if its hunger im feeling or nausea. Its usually hunger. I just seem to have forgotten what my tum is telling me .

17-03-11, 15:14
My appetite goes as well with high anxiety..Have to calm down before I can touch anything.

I have trouble sometimes deciding if its hunger im feeling or nausea. Its usually hunger. I just seem to have forgotten what my tum is telling me .

thats what am like i think am i feeling sick or it is hunger even if its like 4pm and i last ate at 7am i worrying to much about bein sick 24/7 dont eat and today i have really bad burning in my stomach drank pure orange (bad idea ) anyway that kicked my acid off and now am suffering am hungry but dont really wanna eat incase it makes the acid worse or am sick cos the acid gives me bad nausea

17-03-11, 15:21
You need to stop all this erratic thinking honey.

You have had some great advice about the type of things you should be eating. I know it is so hard, but the only way you are going to start to get better is to start changing these bad habits you are forming, which are feeding your anxiety and then your symptoms.

You need to take control - nobody can do it for you. Why drink orange juice when you know it'll aggravate your acid? You need to be sensible. Stop eating all these biscuits and dry foods. As I have said to you before, please try some porridge or nice homemade soups and stews, wholesome foods, even if you only have a couple of mouthfuls it is so much better for you.

I have been in your shoes, only eating bread and drinking water and the ONLY way I started to get better was to start taking the control back and pushing through it.

Good luck x

17-03-11, 15:31
I'm the complete opposite! Hungry constantly and eat everything in sight, yet I still can't gain any weight :(

18-03-11, 14:05
I'm the complete opposite! Hungry constantly and eat everything in sight, yet I still can't gain any weight :(

and i bet your never sick of always eating ???? see i worry i will over eat and vomit (bein emetophobia) i think about it 24/7 and it annoys me as i have been emetophobic since i was about 11 am now 28 but it has never actually bothered me unless i was actually sick then i went cold turkey onff my citalopram and just hit rock bottom didnt eat or anything and just felt nausea 24/7 from not eating and my phobia kicked off as i was always feeling sick n now i worry is my stomach to small etc will i be sick and so on always listening to my neg thinking :weep:

18-03-11, 14:13
You need to stop all this erratic thinking honey.

You have had some great advice about the type of things you should be eating. I know it is so hard, but the only way you are going to start to get better is to start changing these bad habits you are forming, which are feeding your anxiety and then your symptoms.

You need to take control - nobody can do it for you. Why drink orange juice when you know it'll aggravate your acid? You need to be sensible. Stop eating all these biscuits and dry foods. As I have said to you before, please try some porridge or nice homemade soups and stews, wholesome foods, even if you only have a couple of mouthfuls it is so much better for you.

I have been in your shoes, only eating bread and drinking water and the ONLY way I started to get better was to start taking the control back and pushing through it.

Good luck x

I no this is what i have to do basically tell the neg thinking to shut up and just carry on and eat but i find the neg thinking alot louder than my mind :( i find dry foods as safe food but i no we WONT be sick just from eating so why do i listen to negative thinking ???
like today i just wanna eat & eat but i wont :weep: as i will just worry so much that i have eaten to much i cant cope with sitting up all night with my anxiety going over n over in my mind oh you've eaten to much etc.... i no i need higher anti-depressants as they will stop that neg thinking and i worry about taking them even though i have been on these many years before and been great i just panic so so much :(
like i have eaten good this morning been up since 6am had a 9" toast baguette, cup of tea & 4digestive biscuits then about 8am a cream egg, then 1pm a ham baguette, bake-well tart, cup of tea & 4 more digestives but i no that i most prob wont eat rest of day now :( i no the only way to get over this is to just east that extra bite etc but how can i force myself to do this and ignore that thinking or that sickly feeling i get when i try force feeding myself

18-03-11, 15:01
hello Honeypie :)
my heart goes out to you ............you are going through hell :hugs:

just want to ask....you mentioned dietician .........what are they doing for you ?
it seems nothing ...are you being weighed and monitored ? I THINK NOT .
let me know sweetheart .

so ...........if not under supervision now ...........then ask doc for referral asap .
You are not getting enough nutrients for your already stressed body Honeypie .

in the meanwhile : ...........lots of good advice about soups and porridge etc.
there are a lot of supplements out there that will give your body the nutrients it needs .....can be bought at chemist .............but better if doc prescribes .
cheaper x

my advise would be to ignore the stress of so called mealtimes and graze all day if you get me .

make a milk shake with some fruit in it and sip it .
try some scrambled egg on soft toast [protein]
yoghurt in nice flavour
just one slice of lean ham .....cottage cheese is gentle to go with it .

this will not disturb your tummy acid ..............just have a little go for us on the forum eh?
but ask for more help from dietician Honeypie .......they can get protein supplements etc to get your body well .....and then you will be stronger to tackle the other stuff .

sending huge hug :bighug1:

snowgoose x

18-03-11, 16:40
Being sick terrifies me, always has done. So when I got food poisoning last year I didn't eat properly for months and now I think my body is making up for all that lost food. But yes I do get sick of always eating as when I'm out (shopping/college etc) and I get hungry I don't want to eat for fear of being sick in public.

18-03-11, 17:52
Being sick terrifies me, always has done. So when I got food poisoning last year I didn't eat properly for months and now I think my body is making up for all that lost food. But yes I do get sick of always eating as when I'm out (shopping/college etc) and I get hungry I don't want to eat for fear of being sick in public.

i just cant eat full stop i get something out the cupboard make it whatever and take a bite (sometimes dont even take a bite) then all my negative thinking spins round my head about if i eat it will it cause my acid to flare up will t make me sick its all a big circle and i no i need to eat have been crying for past hour am just so down !!!!

18-03-11, 18:00
hello Honeypie :)
my heart goes out to you ............you are going through hell :hugs:

just want to ask....you mentioned dietician .........what are they doing for you ?
it seems nothing ...are you being weighed and monitored ? I THINK NOT .
let me know sweetheart .

so ...........if not under supervision now ...........then ask doc for referral asap .
You are not getting enough nutrients for your already stressed body Honeypie .

in the meanwhile : ...........lots of good advice about soups and porridge etc.
there are a lot of supplements out there that will give your body the nutrients it needs .....can be bought at chemist .............but better if doc prescribes .
cheaper x

my advise would be to ignore the stress of so called mealtimes and graze all day if you get me .

make a milk shake with some fruit in it and sip it .
try some scrambled egg on soft toast [protein]
yoghurt in nice flavour
just one slice of lean ham .....cottage cheese is gentle to go with it .

this will not disturb your tummy acid ..............just have a little go for us on the forum eh?
but ask for more help from dietician Honeypie .......they can get protein supplements etc to get your body well .....and then you will be stronger to tackle the other stuff .

sending huge hug :bighug1:

snowgoose x

The dietitian is basically aloud of CRAP!!!! i asked her on advice for foods that wont effect the acid etc wont cause me pain just to start me off with all she ever reply's is little and often anything u wanna eat :(
my counsellor weighs me every fri am now down to 5st 12lb :weep: i started off at 8 stone in sept 2010 am just going worse, the doc gave me some ensures today and they taste horrible :wacko: am just constantly thinking negative and cant cope am only 28 and just don't have a life the past hour i have spent crying i haven't eaten since 1pm had a ham baguette, bakewell tart, cup of tea & 4digestives, before that was 6am - toast for breakfast and now i just don't feel hungry and my stomach is burning like mad and also just between my shoulder blades just want this all to end and for me to be back to normal what ever that is ?? but i no i just want to eat and feel healthy again not feeling down, crying, no energy and just want to sit about am in a rut that i just cant find a way out of.... and if i get an anxious day then i just wont even look at foods am sitting here now and just have no appetite and apart from the burning in my stomach am passing wind by the minutes and can still feel it all right at the bottom of my belly...
as i said am only young my kids have gone to stay in the nans house for the night i should be getting ready to go out with friends now or going for a meal with my BF etc but no am sitting here with my clothes on plus a house coat as am so cold even though my heating is on full wack ( because am underweight am always cold) and i just wanna cry & cry

18-03-11, 20:47
Honeyp1e, I can really understand what you're going through. The weight loss continuing also adds to the anxiety and it just goes round in circles.
When I was hardly eating anything a few months ago I had the burning, knotted, nausea, acidy feelings. Just by upping the food a little those feelings subsided. There were times I couldnt sleep because of the tight, grinding acidy stomach .It was my system wanting food which I was very reluctant to give it because I thought everything was going to make things worse..
I had to stop eating things like potatoes in any form and cake and pastries and bread because they were too heavy on my system, bloated me making me feel worse.
I was advised to eat little and often through the day rather than bits in the day and then a bigger meal at night. It seems to have worked even though im still not eating more than 1200 calories ( the recommended minimum).
Porridge breakfast, soup lunchtime, little bits inbetween and a light evening meal helped me raise the food level and ease the stomach.

22-03-11, 13:38
i have lost over a stone in the last months or so. i am trying to tell myself its due to anxiety and not eating as much rubbish. but its hard to convince myself, i keep thinking its something really bad. my resting heart rate is up at 80 bpm for most of the day and higher at sometimes. i had blood test done yesterday and await results tommorrow. i am so scared as i cant understand how problems in my head can cause me weight loss!

22-03-11, 14:54
My resting rate is normally 76-80 bpm..This weight loss with anxiety and depression is such a big thing and yet when ive looked for info on the net there is very little dedicated to it..I just keep getting redirected to diet sites which I definately dont want.
I only know that anx/depression weight loss is common and these conditions burn the calories off faster and of course many people stop eating the foods they way they did once.

24-03-11, 05:50
I don't know what was that a kind of side effect of boosting my heart beat when i used aphen375 to lose my weight.....
Could be anxiety also...

26-03-11, 09:21
Honeyp1e, I can really understand what you're going through. The weight loss continuing also adds to the anxiety and it just goes round in circles.
When I was hardly eating anything a few months ago I had the burning, knotted, nausea, acidy feelings. Just by upping the food a little those feelings subsided. There were times I couldnt sleep because of the tight, grinding acidy stomach .It was my system wanting food which I was very reluctant to give it because I thought everything was going to make things worse..
I had to stop eating things like potatoes in any form and cake and pastries and bread because they were too heavy on my system, bloated me making me feel worse.
I was advised to eat little and often through the day rather than bits in the day and then a bigger meal at night. It seems to have worked even though im still not eating more than 1200 calories ( the recommended minimum).
Porridge breakfast, soup lunchtime, little bits inbetween and a light evening meal helped me raise the food level and ease the stomach.

i just feel full 24/7 even when i haven't eaten and when i do eat i feel like my stomach isn't emptying :weep: i feel it basically all just sitting above my public bone a heavy weight and am always constipated so this gives me the full horrible sickly feeling i cant win as i wanna eat but can't due to these feelings :( ive had all kinds of tests x-ray / ultrasounds / bloods etc and all clear but i cant stop worrying went docs 2days ago i now have a water infection but that wouldn't make me feel full bloated 24/7 ?? to the point i just can't eat

26-03-11, 12:48
I also lost some weight... I guess it's because of anxiety. This is so annoying and frustrating, I wish I were heavier !

26-03-11, 13:10
I also lost some weight... I guess it's because of anxiety. This is so annoying and frustrating, I wish I were heavier !

am the same and its getting me so so fustrated with myself for not eating i hate feeling this way i just wanna cry all the time and past few days i have been so constipated and feeling full / nausea i just dont wanna eat and nothing is making me go the loo :weep: hopefully when i finally do go i will be able to eat

28-03-11, 17:22
Wow - thanks for all the responses. Altho i dont wish this on anyone its good not to feel sp alone. My worry was that I was still eating regularly but still losing the weight. I seem to have made a bit of progress last week as i appear to be putting a bit of weight back on. Honeypie - sorry you are having such a bad time with it and i am lucky that I can eat food and still have an appetite (altho the first two weeks after my stroke/tumor scare I couldnt face a thing).

Thanks for your help guys

06-04-11, 21:01
I was wondering if anyones noticed they weigh a little less in the evening than the morning ?
I do sometimes by about half pound.. Do you think this is due to burning calories off, hot weather etc.?

06-05-11, 07:42

I'm the same...although I know its because when I get myself all worked up I just don't eat at all!! I just can't face it. Have lost nearly a stone and I was underweight to start with. I'm trying slowly to build up my appetite again but it is really slow going....

I was the same well still am about why haven't i gained more weight than what i have gained (13lb) :D this may sound good but what am eating (mainly high cals junk foods) i should well have more weight on but no i find its going so slow i dont weigh myself as i get even more depressed when i haven't put on any more weight but i no this is all down to the fact am still so panicky & anxious 24/7 and because of my phobia of vomiting am still worrying 247 (have i eaten to much / will i b sick etc) i hate this so much as the negative thinking really takes over & i will go all day starving and wont eat anything as i listen to the negative thinking to much... i told my doctor that i have these hunger feelings 24/7 even after i have just eaten (this all only started once i was taking citalopram about a month now) anyway i explained to the doc that am hungry all the time but don't always eat due to neg thinking about i will over eat and be sick or feel sick and so on anyway the doc explained to me that 1.. if your hungry or craving something anything then just eat it as it means your body wants it and has been missing it!! 2. food CANNOT & will not make you sick if its all fresh and cooked right.. 3.. you wont over eat as once your stomach is full or getting full you will no and will stop eating..
i just HATE negative thinking so so much i have a bad OCD about foods as i fine that am thinking about it 24/7 when i dont want to then i will just go so hungry all day cos i lt neg thinking win & then i end up getting all frustrated with myself as i wont eat :shrug: and i don't want to lose more weight x

03-12-14, 14:18
Am over weight but since about 4 weeks ago when i was feeling off went to the doctors and i had a trace of blood in me wee.since then iv bin off my food got so worked up cant stop thinking iv go cancer some were iv had bloods done and the come but normal had a scan cos i thought it was in my bladder or ovaries but since then i thinkits in my belly or bowels. I cant stop crying thinking am not going to see my kids grow up its killing me.really hope its anxiety and stress not cancer x

16-12-14, 09:49
I know that it is an old post but I’m a quite frustrated actually I have a HA for the last 2 month and now I have started to lose weight even eating normally and sometimes eating more thant before, just to see if I’m able to gain some kg, but unfortunately no success.
I would like to know if someone in this forum has had a similar problem like me. I’m totally scared thinking in some type of cancer