View Full Version : Hi all...........

06-03-11, 18:54
I have suffered from panic attacks, anxiety and agoraphobia since i was in my late twenties, i am now in my late forties and still suffer.

I am on Diazapam, seroxat,and a blood pressure tablet.

in January 2010 i suffered a minor stroke:scared15: although i have made a full recovery it has left me very anxious and aware of the slightist thing thats happens in my body. :huh: since my stroke i have been put on other meds warfarin,cholesterol tabs, beta blockers etc.

I have
on the weight and im sure its something to do with the seroxat as i noticed a big weight gain when my dr put me up an extra 20mg.

i was thinking of getting the dr to put me on a reduction plan as its getting me down and i wondered if anyone here has piled on the pounds with this drug

06-03-11, 18:56
Hi moira

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
06-03-11, 20:18
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

06-03-11, 20:43
Hi Moira :welcome:. There is a seroxat section on the board which you might find interesting, particularly if you click on the link I've pasted below xx
