View Full Version : Anxious about time and time passing

06-03-11, 22:04
Hi everone,

I have this anxiety and obsession about time passing and time in general. Everybody knows time goes fast. But to me, it has come to a point that it's ridiculously fast. I don't know how I became like this, but I know this has been lingering for quite some time and now it seems to be out of control and it frightens me.

I suspect this has something to do with DP/DR but I'm not sure.

Has anyone else experienced this?

06-03-11, 22:25
Hi, i have a real time issue at the moment too.. time seems to be whizzing by and it really freaks me out!! I have been experiencing really wierd feelings the last few days, like i am not really here, although i know i am, i worry that someting really bad is gonna happen to me and i think it takes over my thinking.. i know that it is anxiety related, its just hard to be rational sometimes!! Sending u hope and peace, you're not alone :) xx

06-03-11, 22:36
I've been experiencing it for about a week now. I've turned 31 last Friday and since then I've been feeling bad. Weekends are the worst. I hope it soon clears. I don't know how to rationalize this to overcome this anxiousness.

Is this treatable?

06-03-11, 22:42
Hey, of course its treatable, you won't always feel like this, maybe you are just more aware of time as you are getting older and have anxieties about it? I feel that too, i am also in my thirties (a year older then you) and i notice time seems to go by quicker these days, but i think it is generally that as we get older we are more anxious about time.. when we are younger time doesn't go quick enough for us, we always have things to wait for-birthday's, parties etc.. as we get older there doesn't seem to be enoug time for things, we always want a bit more time to get stuff done etc.. and i think weekends seem to go past quickly simply because they aren't long enough!! Weekends are the time when we are supposed to be relaxing or getting stuff done and before we know it another week is upon us... :)

06-03-11, 22:58
I don't know. I went to see a house tonight. It's already been 5 hours since we went to see it. My perception is nowhere near it. For me, it feels like its only been an hour and a half.

I've read that this can occur with heavy use of recreative drugs, but I don't take them and have never taken them. I don't even drink.

I'm really scared.

07-03-11, 01:47
I have this too!!! I am 32 and I feel that time is coming by fast and it's already March! I remember when I was younger, time didn't matter to me at all, and recently I noticed that time has gone by faster. I just want time to stay still and let us to enjoy life longer, and the weekend is not good enough, it's short, and the week is getting shorter. I am a bit scared too.

Recently this week, I wish I was 19 years old or 21 years old as I enjoyed life more back then. I know I will get older and that is more scary. I know everybody will experience this but I hate time going past quicker. Strange we've got the same worries on this forum!

Starry xx

07-03-11, 14:41
Does this sound familar at all:
(my story....)
I am new to this website and want to tell you my story as I desperately need some advice. I apologise if my post is long but I feel I need to get everything out.
I have always been a 'worrier' as a little girl I would wake up in the night panicking and crying to my mum and dad about what would happen when they die! I have always been able to control my 'worrying' - until 2 years ago when I turned 30! I started having this overhwelming fear of my parents getting elderly! My dad is very fit and active at the moment and I constantly worry about him not being able to cope with old age when he is unable to run and do the things he does now. My fears are made worse when I think about him also suffering from anxiety. (I know that he does although I have never asked him about it) I know that he worries too about getting old.
This is my main worry although I also worry about my brother as he too suffers (I think) and I feel guilty as I am financially better of than he is!!
I went to the docs 2 years ago and they send me for CBT which I hated - think I did not bond with the therapist!!
Now I am worse than ever. I wake up feeling very low and down in the dumps, I worry constantly. Now for the wierd bit: I have a great well paid job, 6 mths ago I moved into a brand new house with my lovely boyfriend, I have a nice car.... But I am so unhappy and my anxiety gets worse as I feel guilty about feeling so unhappy!
I don't have full blown panic attacks but I have a 'feeling' that is there all of the time. The panic hightens maybe every hour or so then calms down a bit but is still there! I have a fear of 'time' now I am 32 and I feel that with every year that we reach I am going to feel worse.
If I feel like this now how will I cope when 1 of my parents does pass away? Will I crack up completely?
Now I am 32 I am also starting to think about starting a family, but how can I do this when I am the way I am.
When I was younger I could always stop the anixiety as I would tell myself "oh you don't need to worry about that yet" - now my family are getting older all of the time and I am worried sick.
I go to work every day but I have no interest in anything/my sex drive has been effected and I just worry and panic constantly.
I fear that this is the way I am now and that there is no help for me.
Anyone have any advice? Do I suffer from GAD or a much more complex panic disorder.
Thanks for listening


08-03-11, 00:11
I can understand your feelings Tracey - I have the same worries too! I worry a lot when my parents are gone and what will happen to me. I constantly have racing memories from my past and seeing how things were different from now - it does make me a bit sad but I ingore it and carry on. I miss the past and I was full of hope and opitimistism when I was younger, but now I'm 32. I got anxious and worrying about the past and people dying 2 years ago when I turned 30! Now it's getting a bit better with the help with this forum, thank god!

I think it's our age that makes us more aware of the past and the future. I worry about my parents getting old and leaving me alone with my sisters who I don't really get on with well. I just try to keep myself busy to stop me worrying too much.

I think you have to think about going to see a counsellor, not CBT if it didn't work for you at all. Good luck!

Starry xx

08-03-11, 02:00
I think I can understand how both of you feel.:hugs: When I was your age, I often worried about losing my parents and how I would cope, especially as I was the only one left living with them and then near them.

Just over 5 years ago my father became very ill and I had to support my mother until we lost him. Now my mother is in the same position as he was and again it's down to me to look after her but this time without a parents support.

I feel that with every year that we reach I am going to feel worse.

Not necessarily. Anxiety can surface in spells and just as easily lessen as we grow older because I think we accept what life is better. Often too, but not always, we have our own offspring to focus on which helps to ease the loss of our parents.

If I feel like this now how will I cope when 1 of my parents does pass away? Will I crack up completely?

Worrying always feels worse then doing because when we worry we just have the worry to focus on which we keep analysing with "what if's" making ourselves feel ill. However, when the event arrives, although it's very stressful and upsetting, our minds focus on doing what's needed to support them so we forget all about worrying. Therefore, we just get on with it and cope because our minds are too busy thinking about what our parents need rather than about ourselves and how we're feeling. So no, if you focus on your parents needs you won't crack up because they will need you.

Now I am 32 I am also starting to think about starting a family, but how can I do this when I am the way I am.

For the same reasons above. Worrying always feels worse than doing. When you have a family, you're too busy looking after them when they're young. Besides, didn't you say your father suffers from anxiety? He copes so why not you? I think the pleasure a family gives far outweighs any anxiety they cause.

Do I suffer from GAD or a much more complex panic disorder.

You're a natural worrier, that's all. It just means that you and Starry like most on here have a natural ability for caring about those you love.

I went to the docs 2 years ago and they send me for CBT which I hated - think I did not bond with the therapist!!

For CBT to work you need to have faith and trust in your therapist so a bond is essential. Since it was 2 years ago, you could try again to see if another therapist is available or you could learn for yourself how not to dwell on worries. Remember that worrying about worries is what makes you feel ill so if you train your mind to not dwell on these fears, your body will then feel well. Easier said than done I know but worrying is like playing with fire. We always end up burning ourselves until we learn how to stop fuelling the fire by finding ways to ignore and also to accept what will be, will be.

Don't feel guilty for being who you are. It's better to be a worrier than to not worry at all because worrying makes you the caring loving person you are. All you need do is learn to accept you're actually a lovely person and to not keep dwelling on every worry you can think of.

An athlete will worry before a race begins but once the race starts they focus on crossing the finishing line. You're just standing at the starting line worrying about a race that hopefully won't take place for years to come, and if and when that times arrive, you'll focus on running so try not to keep dwelling on your worry making yourself feel ill because all you really have to fear are the fears you're creating for yourself.:hugs:

08-03-11, 20:05
I have these same worries, about time going too fast and about my parents dying.

I have not done anything for a year since having anxiety, I haven't been able to work, have rarely gone to see friends and have not progressed like a normal 29 yr old should! I am now left thinking how much time Ive wasted and what I could or should have been doing with 12 months that a normal person would do!

At the same time I have been living with my parents so Ive almost reverted back to being a child and being dependent on them which has not helped. They provide for me and I constantly worry what would happen to me if anything bad happened to them. These feelings have definitely got worse this year. I cant believe its march already and I feel like Ive done nothing, but the whole time since NYE I have just worried about time passing, how Im going to change my life, get a job, be independent etc..

anyway just so you know your not alone with the feelings and worries you have about time passing, I guess its just an age thing maybe? Im turing 30 this year and its a big worry of mine. I dont think it helps when we compare ourselves to others, that only seems to add to my worries!! I also think that these types of thoughts are worse if your going through DP/DR phase of anxiety, which I deffo am at the moment.

Bill has offered some really good advice, but sometimes its just so hard not to worry about these things, they seem to consume you but just remember that its a phase and it will pass. x

28-02-16, 16:48
I realize this is an old thread, but it popped up on google and I thought I'd give my thoughts.
Here are my worries regarding Chronophobia, as I have just reached 40. Perhaps you will see some similarities.
- I fear that I am old.
- I fear that everyday is the same. I get up out of bed and there is no newness. Everyday is like Bill Murray on Groundhogs Day and now my body language, attitude, and sense of risk are waning.
- A fear that I am not meeting my younger expectations of myself, and I will never be the man I thought I would be or live the life I once envisioned. No longer having the hope and dreams and expectations I had when I was younger.
- A fear of losing my parents and not being able to fill the void.

In the end, I think it all comes down to Control. Wanting to have control in a chaotic world. But now, not only do I feel that I do Not have control, I also realize that Control that we crave ends up becoming Boredom! Control means we don't leave our homes because we are afraid of being in uncontrollable situations.

All my life I have wanted to be steering down the river of life, but perhaps the best way going down that river is changing my attitude and realizing that I have no control and that there is nothing wrong with that. Realizing we are just leafs floating down the river of life, and try to enjoy it rather then putting unnecessary burdens. Easier said then done but at least we are understanding and facing our Fears rather then letting them control us.