View Full Version : Heavy/Jelly Legs, Heart Palps =(

06-03-11, 23:36
Hey guys.

Despite me doing great yesterday, I have a set back today and it's really bumming me out.

I was fine this morning for the most part but just now I got this weird feeling that I get from time to time. I try to ignore it but it really freaks me out. I tried looking at similar threads but all I see is that only women get this symptom and they relate it to hormones.

My legs sometimes literally feel like jelly and they also feel heavy. The thing that also fraks me out is that I feel my heart when this happens whether if the rate is normal or fast and that makes me feel worse and panic as well. It also makes me fell off-balanced and its worse when I stand still.

Does anyone at all get this? Please I really need reassurance.:weep:

07-03-11, 02:20
Anyone? :weep:

07-03-11, 10:05
sounds like excess adrenaline - not exactly a panic attack as such but your body reacting to too much adrenaline. Most of our symptoms are due to anxiety hormones ( so males suffer as much as femailes hormones or not:)) we may feel calm but our bodies aren't.

07-03-11, 10:14
It is horrible. You start to get anxiety over the anxiety symptoms then it all feeds on itself in a big circle. You have to believe that it is all anxiety and nothing else and try to dismiss the symptoms but its not easy to do.

07-03-11, 10:58
i get this aswell sometimes its horrible,can this excess adreneline harm us???

07-03-11, 11:25
Excess adrenaline will not harm you in the short to medium term. A soldier in Afghanistan would have very high adrenaline for most of the time they are out there, eg. 6 months or longer. It is designed to heighten your senses and protect you not to harm you.

07-03-11, 15:58
Agree with countrygirl and mohc here - it sounds like excess adrenaline to me as well. It's not directly harmful, but obviously we weren't designed to live in a constant state of anxiety, as our bodies get flooded with stress hormones. Therefore it makes us feel physically unwell, which of course makes us feel more anxious. Great, isn't it?!?

08-03-11, 11:29
hi all...i am still continueing to to do my little walks but i too still have this jelly like feeling and heavyness in my legs and my back gets warm aswell...but i just ignore it and carry on walking is this also excess adreneline maybe?? is this anythin to worry about