View Full Version : A successful weekend

07-03-11, 09:34
Feeling pretty proud of myself.

This weekend, I got up Saturday morning and went to tai chi. I was really nervous, as I haven't done any exercise since October/November 09 and I've been afraid too, because it makes my chest tight and wheezy and cough - asthma you may think? Inhalers don't help... but that's a different story!

I went and stayed the whole of the class and here is the money maker... I enjoyed it! It was in a scout hut with a load of odd ball characters - I was chilling at the back with a lady aged around 80!! They passed around lemongrass tea after the class and i DRANK all of mine - couldn't believe it!!

Then my boyfriend and I had lunch at home... challenge number 2 (or 3 including the lemongrass!) I ate fish for the first time in probably a year...and MUSHY PEAS!!! A big fear (yes can you guess we had fish chips n mushy peas, yum yum)...

I felt so chuffed with myself...

Then sunday, i ate BLACKCURRANT jam!!!!! Again, probably more than a year since I have eaten jam...

Then finally, lunchtime I ate some lambs lettuce... my first raw veg for a good 9 months I would say... I was so chuffed...

Really pushed myself this weekend but it didn't feel overwhelming, just felt I was taking it in my stride.

I've realised (touch wood) that the panic attacks are subsiding... which makes it easier to challenge the anxiety and push through it. I've got my last CBT session today so am looking forward to updating him on my progress. I could get referred to a different therapist - he is leaving - but I don't think I need to, I think as long as I carry on like this I will keep on trucking!!!

Thanks to every one for your continued support :hugs:
Love you all! x x x

paula lynne
07-03-11, 09:56
Amber, you continue to amazing me! So proud of you, well done love x:D

07-03-11, 10:37
Amber well done!!!!!:yesyes:

Really pleased for you x

07-03-11, 10:48
Thank you Mummy Paula :hugs:... hope you are looking after yourself, thanks for taking the time to read my blab, hehe. big smooch xxx

Thank you Pink!! :flowers: Feeling pretty pleased too... just got to keep up the hard work now... xxx

07-03-11, 12:32
Ally!! How are you. x x x

Zumba = WOW! My mum who is 64 has just started zumba, she's gona zumba crazy. I think it's a bit too hectic for me, loving the chilled atmosphere at tai chi! Whether i will ever remember the steps is another thing entirely though haha.

I definitely think my CBT has worked wonders, and has done well to teach me the techniques that I then go on to do in my own time... so I can carry it on and not be reliant on my therapist to 'cure' me I suppose!

Ooh green tea with lemon sounds good. I think i'll pick some of that up.

I loved the mushy peas!!! You're right, they should become one of the regular veggies! Can imagine they would go down a treat with bangers and mash!!?

Thanks for all your lovely words as usual, great to hear from you me old buddy


08-03-11, 09:16
Had a really good final session with my CBT therapist. Reviewing my progress made me realise just how far I've come. From surviving on bread and water, to eating out and eating lots of variety at home!

I also spoke to him about how these sessions have really sparked an interest in mental health for me.. as this forum has. I'm fascinated by the way the mind works, and also helping people. I have always wanted to help people, I used to work as a medicine counter assistant in a Pharmacy and loved giving out advice and helping people.

He gave me loads of information on how to get into the mental health sector, what qualifications to take etc. The NHS offer trainee positions in practitioner for wellbeing roles which look super interesting. I hope I would be strong enough to be around other people's mental health problems as I really enjoy helping others and like I say the subject really interests me.

I have found a 10 week evening course at a local college which I think I will try to go along to, to get more of an idea :)

x x x

08-03-11, 09:29

You are on the up and up woman :yesyes:

Way to go you, you must feel so proud of yourself hun, you are doing fantastically well, the world is your oyster now.

I am soooooo made up for you hun, onwards and upwards :hugs:

di xx

09-03-11, 16:42
Lady Di :hugs:

Thank you so much. The best feeling at the moment is that I feel like I'm starting to get some of my enthuasiasm back. Wow, I haven't felt that feeling for YEARS - before my anxiety/depression... i'm interested in things...!??!!

Really onwards and upwards, and being prepared for the dips and blips too.

Thanks so much for your support, really gives me a boost knowing people are giving me the thumbs up too!!! :yesyes:

Hope you are well Di, lots of love xxx

09-03-11, 18:09
Wow, go girl!

You have done incredibly well, what a story.

Please keep us updated on how you are doing - this is a fab storyx

Well done - be proud of yourselfxx

Hazel B
09-03-11, 20:07
Great stuff, well done to you! You should be very proud of yourself.:yesyes:

cathy s
11-03-11, 17:45
Well done!

14-03-11, 11:17
thank you everybody :hugs:

This weekend I managed to eat some percy pigs.... some mushrooms - BIG FEAR! and baked beans! - BIG FEAR!

I also baked a cake and cooked a roast at my sisters house with a bowl of nuts in the kitchen the WHOLE time.

:yesyes: x x x

paula lynne
14-03-11, 11:44
YOU LITTLE STAR AMBER!!! mmmmm, the roast sounds good! Go girl! x:D

cathy s
14-03-11, 16:50
Wow well done!

15-03-11, 16:24

15-03-11, 16:25
Oh and last night I ate risotto! new meal alert :)

Hazel B
15-03-11, 18:32

cathy s
15-03-11, 18:44
You're doing so well! I was phobic about foods a few years ago and still don't eat nuts or mangoes even though I had tests that came back negative! You are an inspiration. Are you trying not to think about it too much or do you tell yourself anything specific?