View Full Version : mind and thoguhts racing

07-03-11, 11:44
hi all,

wondering if this is a symptom or just me? I have thoughts racing through my mind all the time, especially over my ex, i never completely trusted him and my head always told me he was cheating, even now, we are friends and i know i have to let him move on, if he doesnt answer a text or the phonecall i am convinced he is with a girl, one girl in particular, if he doesnt answer me my head races, that he is with her. i havent always been like this and i havent been jealous a person before. It kinda ruined our relationship as i was always accusing him. i hate being this person, i want to chill out and think 'so what'.
im the same with other things, if i hear of an accident i always wonder if its my parents, i always think something bad is going to happen.
surely this isn't normal?!

07-03-11, 11:49
hey sarah. i think most people will understand where your comeing from. its your mind fillin you with paranoia. theres alot of things i do now that i didnt do before. just remember its changed the way we think about things and everything x

07-03-11, 12:21
really, ok well that helps. Paranoia makes sense, think im delusional!
My mind just wont switch off, my stomach flips, i cant eat, i sit by phone..thats terrible...and i get so angry!!


07-03-11, 13:23
i dont get the same thing as you well i do but in other ways. at the moment im just focusing on my own health but i do get a thought thats not health related and obsess over it if you like. i panic if i ring someone and they dont answer there phone. and i dont know why i panic x