View Full Version : worried!!

07-03-11, 11:46
does anyone feel as if theyve got a lump in there throte? its not effecting my swallowing or anything ,i just obsess over it when im sat and i swallow with nothing in my mouth. and think theres a lump or something :/

07-03-11, 12:25
I get this a lot! I went through a stage where I thought about it all the time and it was really bad but once I stopped focusing on it it calmed down. I still get the feeling but it's not as bad. Mine makes me feel sickly. It's not nice but it is just anxiety causing it. If your throat looks swollen I'd just make a trip to the doctors for a check up!

Jade x

07-03-11, 12:26
I used to, years and years ago, in fact, that was one of my first posts here! I believe its an anxiety thing again, lots of different names for it.you just gotta relax somehow and it will go away!

I always found a sip of water helped.

07-03-11, 12:42
YES - you are not alone I am suffering really badly with this at the moment and its such a vicious cycle, as I focus on it so much and start to panic. I hate it. How long have you had it for?


07-03-11, 13:20
hey guys. glad im not on my own :) its only when i think about it. no it doesnt look swelles or even hurt. but i do keep gettin ear ache and bad aches in my neck. do you think there anxiety too? not sure how long ive had it not sure about anything at the minute :( xx

07-03-11, 13:32
Yea that'll probably be tension in your neck from worrying about this "lump" in your throat. Have you been constantly touching your neck too? The ear ache could also be as a result from tension in the neck!
Hope you feel better soon!

Jade x

07-03-11, 13:37
I also get occasional ear ache too. When I get really worked up about it my whole neck hurts. I hate the lump feeling its so horrible :-(

Hope you feel better soon. Sorry I haven't really been much help just wanted to let you know you are not alone.



07-03-11, 15:02
thanks laura and jade. im gettin things that before wouldnt of worried me although ive aways been a little bit of a worrier. not to this extent. i feel as though if i werent gettin all thease physical symptoms id be able to almost cope with my thoughts. but thease aches and pains seriously worry me and get to me alot xx

07-03-11, 15:18
thanks laura and jade. im gettin things that before wouldnt of worried me although ive aways been a little bit of a worrier. not to this extent. i feel as though if i werent gettin all thease physical symptoms id be able to almost cope with my thoughts. but thease aches and pains seriously worry me and get to me alot xx

That's exactly how i feel... if the physical symptoms weren't there I don't think i'd have anxiety at all!!! You just have to keep telling yourself that it's nothing and just try and carry on! I know it's hard, i'm sat here in a right state due to chest pains but the feeling you have will evetually pass. You can still eat, drink and breathe, it's just uncomfortable at the moment.

Are you getting any CBT or other therapy?

Jade x

07-03-11, 16:31
yep. its our anxious minds makein little things turn into big things in our heads. its part of the package though isnt it ,we get the thoughts and the feelings. i tend to ask my boyfriend or whoerver im with at the time when i have a pain or ache if they get them too most say no and thats because they arent anxious and dont notice them as much as we do or pay them any attention. have you noticed the odd times that you are actually relaxed theres no tension there for minimalised symptoms? im startin counselling soon hopefully in the next few weeks becuase i need it. im sat here with a bangin headache because iv been stressing and worrying all day :/ .. and i feel a bit sick because ive had a can of coke whitch i dont useually drink i wont be doing that again lol xx

07-03-11, 17:10

The Coke prob had too much sugar in it for you! and it contains Caffeine which we need to stay away from as it can make you even more anxious! Hope the counselling helps. Anything that makes life easier is well worth a try.
Good Luck
Julie x

08-03-11, 17:02
hi julie.. yeh iv been really avoiding sugar ive almost got a phobia of it :/ im aware that most things have sugar in and i dont worry too much but things that blatently have suger in and alot of it! i dont useually have but i was feelin like a can of pop but i wont be havein another :) xx