View Full Version : really scared!

07-03-11, 12:21
I've been having chest pains for a week now and on friday I spoke to NHS direct who said go to the hospital, so I did! i had an ECG when I first got there and it was abnormal so they repeated it an hour later but it was normal that time. I had bloods taken to check if there was any damage to my heart but it came back fine. I also had a chest xray and 2 further ECGS (1 being done after running on the spot for 2 minutes) which were all normal so they sent me home saying they think it's muscular and to just rest and take paracetamol (they gave me co-codamol, aspirin, codeine and paracetamol at the hospital, none of which relieved the pain!!). Also, the first doctor I saw wanted me to do a treadmill test to see if they could get an ECG to match my first (abnormal) one but the 2nd doctor just kept saying "no, just go home", it felt like she just wanted to get home herself and couldn't be bothered!!

So I spent all weekend ignoring my chest pains and telling myself that it's just muscular but then last night when lay in bed watching tv I suddenly started getting pains in my chest everytime my heart beat!! it went on for about 2 minutes. I tried to remain as calm as possible through it all but its really scared me! do you think there is something wrong with my heart?? please help!

07-03-11, 13:15
Hi there,

your heart is probably fine, you have had blood tests, ecgs etc and all show up fine you say. It could well be anxiety causing the chest pains, id book yourself in with the doctor, and tell them whats going on.

07-03-11, 13:20
Hi, Did they explain what it was about the first test that was abnormal compared to your 2nd test? I would ask just to get peace of mind that everything is ok.

07-03-11, 13:28
Hi, Did they explain what it was about the first test that was abnormal compared to your 2nd test? I would ask just to get peace of mind that everything is ok.

The doctor honestly looked baffled by it! He said he didn't know why it was like that and that it would be negligent to send me home without trying to figure out why it was abnormal... so he requested I did an ECG after running on the spot for 2 minutes and that one was fine. So he said he wanted me to do a treadmill test to see if we could get an ECG result that looked like the first one but it was time for him to go home and I was sent to a different department to be looked at there. The doctor there, however, did not seem bothered, did not want to do a treadmill test and didn't even bother to do an ECG when I told her I was getting the bad chest pains again with palps! I'm so scared now after having them pains last night as what would cause pain when my heart beats?? I still have chest pains now too and feel uncomfortable. I don't want to go back to the hospital and be seen to be wasting peoples time but I really am worried now!!

07-03-11, 14:26
Hi, Are you sure the pains are not just from posture or indigestion, have you had these pains before or have they just started recently?

07-03-11, 14:31
Hi, Are you sure the pains are not just from posture or indigestion, have you had these pains before or have they just started recently?

I've had chest pain before on the left below my breast, but the ones that starteds a week ago were different, it was more of a pressure right in the middle and sharp pains just to the left above my breast. The pain last night was something completely new too! I'm so worried its my heart. I'm only 24 so i know its not common but its definitely not unheard of either!

My left arm feels heavy and i've completely lost my appetite today and havent been able to eat yet!

I'm waiting for a call back from my doctor but not sure when that will be! :unsure:

07-03-11, 14:54
Hi, Have you been doing any kind of strenuous physical activity which could have caused this. I hope the doctor does call you back soon, I know they are difficult to get information out of as well.

07-03-11, 15:15
Hi, Have you been doing any kind of strenuous physical activity which could have caused this. I hope the doctor does call you back soon, I know they are difficult to get information out of as well.

No, i hadnt been doing anything strenuous when it started. When it started a week ago I was sat on the sofa talking to my partner and it just came on suddenly and hasnt gone! The pains last night came on when I was just lay in bed watching tv. I wasnt even anxious at the time and I havent done anything more than I normally would (like heavy lifting, etc).

That's why I'm so worried about it! The last doctor I saw at the hospital did not make me feel reassured at all and I keep going over it in my head wondering if maybe they have missed something!

I'm also getting strange feelings in my neck and jaw, like something is pulling on them and sort of like I'm losing control of my mouth, it's hard to explain!

I just wish I knew for sure that there definitely isn't anything wrong. This is all new and different for me and it's really scaring me!!!

07-03-11, 15:15
It is most likely muscular and/or indigestion type pain to be honest.

Maybe the doc can reassure you more

07-03-11, 18:39
I've just got back from the doctors and she said everything seems fine and that she's sure it's just muscular pain from being anxious and tense all the time. Soooo... I just need to start believing it now!

It's time to get my life back one step at a time!

Thanks everyone for all your replies and your support!

Jade x