View Full Version : In a mess!

07-03-11, 14:00
I've got lots going on at the moment and feel so anxious all the time that it is getting out of control. I feel panicky all the time it never goes away and it is stopping me from sleeping. Has anyone else felt panicky all the time? I feel like it's getting out of control. I have made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow but feel it will be a waste of time as he never listens.

07-03-11, 14:37
Hi there.

ok, MAKE him listen. I spent years feeling like I wasnt being listened to, and mostly because I was unable to describe how I was feeling, because it was all new. Eventually I learned about anxiety, and being anxious and panicky. Doctor listened when I got depressed, and listened again when I got anxiety.

if you feel that they dont listen, pluck up the courage, and ask to speak to someone else. If you feel anxious, or panicky, then speak to them about anxiety and what they can do about it.

try some relaxation techniques - quiet room, slow deep breaths for a start.

07-03-11, 14:38
I have just posted my problem - here goes:
I am new to this website and want to tell you my story as I desperately need some advice. I apologise if my post is long but I feel I need to get everything out.
I have always been a 'worrier' as a little girl I would wake up in the night panicking and crying to my mum and dad about what would happen when they die! I have always been able to control my 'worrying' - until 2 years ago when I turned 30! I started having this overhwelming fear of my parents getting elderly! My dad is very fit and active at the moment and I constantly worry about him not being able to cope with old age when he is unable to run and do the things he does now. My fears are made worse when I think about him also suffering from anxiety. (I know that he does although I have never asked him about it) I know that he worries too about getting old.
This is my main worry although I also worry about my brother as he too suffers (I think) and I feel guilty as I am financially better of than he is!!
I went to the docs 2 years ago and they send me for CBT which I hated - think I did not bond with the therapist!!
Now I am worse than ever. I wake up feeling very low and down in the dumps, I worry constantly. Now for the wierd bit: I have a great well paid job, 6 mths ago I moved into a brand new house with my lovely boyfriend, I have a nice car.... But I am so unhappy and my anxiety gets worse as I feel guilty about feeling so unhappy!
I don't have full blown panic attacks but I have a 'feeling' that is there all of the time. The panic hightens maybe every hour or so then calms down a bit but is still there! I have a fear of 'time' now I am 32 and I feel that with every year that we reach I am going to feel worse.
If I feel like this now how will I cope when 1 of my parents does pass away? Will I crack up completely?
Now I am 32 I am also starting to think about starting a family, but how can I do this when I am the way I am.
When I was younger I could always stop the anixiety as I would tell myself "oh you don't need to worry about that yet" - now my family are getting older all of the time and I am worried sick.
I go to work every day but I have no interest in anything/my sex drive has been effected and I just worry and panic constantly.
I fear that this is the way I am now and that there is no help for me.
Anyone have any advice? Do I suffer from GAD or a much more complex panic disorder.
Thanks for listening


07-03-11, 14:40
Thank you for your reply. I will have to put my foot down when I see him tomorrow.

I feel so alone and have never felt as bad as I do now, it seems to have come out of nowhere. I can't seem to shake off this panicky feeling and it is stopping me from sleeping. Anyway thanks again for your reply. Take care x

07-03-11, 20:33
You have to tell you doctor exactly how you are feeling . Otherwise you will not get the help you need . Write it all down , that will help you remember what to say.

I hope it goes well for you