View Full Version : So worried all the time!

04-04-06, 17:40
Here's my story...

I started suffering from health anxiety over 4 years ago when I had a blood clot and my Gran died roundabout the same time.

I've since had heart disease, all sorts of cancer, more blood clots, ectopic pregnancies and most recently HIV (because I had a cold that wouldn't go away). I've tested negative at a special HIV clinic but I don't believe the result, despite reassurance from the consultant and my GP. My mind keeps coming up with the wildest scenarios! Does anyone know how reliable these tests results really are? My GP says I shouldn't get tested again because people get addicted to it and obsessed and that I wouldn't believe the result anyway. Guess she might be right :(

I also keep thinking about all other sorts of illnesses that might lurk in my body. Physically I'm totally fine though. Any advice anyone?



04-04-06, 17:42
Hi there

The best therapy for Health Anxiety is CBT, so you could ask your GP to be referred for that. It will really help you.

You do need to believe the doctor's and the results though and trust that all is ok.


04-04-06, 19:11
It's easy not to believe doctors because health isn't a topic where you can ever get 100% certainty. What you should remember is that doctors are generally very good at what they do and more often than not get things absolutely right.

I've been through months of health worries - they are cyclical and CBT might be a good way to break the cycle, it certainly helped me to avoid jumping to what are negative conclusions without considering that most of what I was self diagnosing was very unlikely!

Best wishes