View Full Version : does anyone else get this?

07-03-11, 14:46
Really really itchy dry skin (on my legs mainly) after a shower or bath or even being in a swimming pool? Basically any prolonged contact with water or moisture? Sometimes for even no reason.
I've suffered with this since I was young, I take antihystamines everyday to lessen the suffering but it's by no means a cure. I've tried every sort of lotion, I use non-bio washing tabs and I know it's not that, I can't pin point it to anything in my diet, I can't use body wash or soap and sometimes it's worse than others.
It's like the nerves under my skin have gone MAD, I can't function and I have to stop whatever it is that I'm trying to do. I do suffer general dry skin as well, it was more exczema like as a child but it's not as bad anymore, cheap jewellry/metal is a big culprit so I steer clear of that stuff. I also steer clear of piriton allergy remedies as ironicly, I seem to be allergic to that after once taking it and coming out in a bright red rash! Anyway it's not the same itch as a dry skin itch, it's like needles under the skin.

I've just googled it and I've come up with aquagenic pruistus or something like that which from what I can tell is basically an allergy to water!! :huh:
I'm definitely going to be asking my doctor about this next time I go but I want to know am I the only one here who gets this?
If so, how do you control it?

07-03-11, 16:03
Hmm... I think allergy to water is very rare, but what it could be is that you're sensitive to certain chemicals. Soap is very alkaline (it's made with nasty stuff like sodium hydroxide) and as a result of that, it will dry out our skin. The chemicals they put in swimming pools are also quite unkind to skin, as there is a good dose of chlorine in there and possibly other chemicals as well.

Cheap jewellery often contains nickel, which a lot of people have allergy problems with.

A lot of people just very have sensitive skin, I think. I've certainly had it for years, and my partner gets it really badly in the winter, when his hands and face will become raw even if he doesn't spend that much time out of doors.

I've managed to get him to use one of these "non-soap" face washes and this seems to have improved it quite a bit for him, and I stick moisturiser on his face every night.

Try picking your doctor's brains about it, as sore skin is really uncomfortable!

07-03-11, 16:07
hi lizzie

yes i read an article about water allergy once, it is extremely rare - this girl would go into shock just from being in the rain, she passed out in the sea - she couldn't even DRINK water.. so I really don't think it is that.

my legs sometimes get a rash on them from being in the shower - could be that they are too hot and it's heat rash. mould in your shower can also cause problems. water can dry the skin - my legs used to get terrible itchy too from using different products so now i use johnsons softwash and it works a treat.

dry skin will itch... so try to keep it hydrated, i use aqueous cream once a day all over. my hands are constantly red and dry and sore, but i don't want to use steroids so trying to battle through at the moment.

hope this helps x

07-03-11, 20:25
Ok an allergy to water may be on the extreme side (you know what dr google's like!) but reading it again now I can without my legs itching it says "Aquagenic pruritus is a skin disease characterized by the development of severe, intense, prickling-like epidermal itching that is without observable skin lesions and that is evoked by contact with water." and that gets it in a nutshell!

I've tried all them creams, prescribed and shop bought and they don't help. The nickle is what I was reffering to in the jewellry.
I really just wish I could find something to stop it, or if not that make it so it doesn't interupt my life.

07-03-11, 20:41
hmmm sounds like you need a trip to the doctors then Lizzie? Sounds very uncomfortable and you could go with the research you have found and see what they say?

It just seems funny that you say product also irritates it - as if it is something more than water.

Sorry can't be of more help

Hope you find the answer soon x

07-03-11, 20:55
Yeah I'm debating going tomorrow now that I've found this out rather than waiting until I next see my doctor about everything else. All the lotions don't irritate it more, they just don't help. Even anti-itch creams don't stop the itch!
Thanks for replying, any help is good :)