View Full Version : Need Advice on how to cope with panic attacks and anxiety

07-03-11, 16:51
Hi I am Hazel & im new to the site and I am hoping that by coming on here will help me deal with the constant anxiety I have a present because I don't know where to turn to!

I don't really know how it all started, and why I get panic attacks - all I know is since it happened for the first time ever last year, I am in constant worry that it'll keep happening which is causing me to be anxious 905 of the time. I am developing fears that I never ever had before like being on my own, if my heart flutters or anything I worry I am going to die and yet I have been in worser situations in my life and never gone through this. I don't know if anyone else understands - but I normally get a panic attack over fear of having one, nothing else! I'll be fine one minute then for some reason i'll start thinking about it and then cause myself to have an attack and feel just awful like I am going to die, its happened in the car, home and now just on friday at work! As there is no particular link - I am finding it hard to detract myself from them - you read articles that say do this to relax, go outside listen to music allsorts - but when I do this it doesn't really help as I know in the back of my mind why Iam doing it and therefore find it hard to cope with the attack! Ive tried to talk to myself and say god hazel there is nothing wrong with you - but my mind is still saying panic panic! I really don't want to go on medication if I can help it - I want to get through it normally and re-train my brain if there is such a thing?!! Now its happened at work - i am worried about going back there even though Ive worked there 8 years!:shrug: it just seems stupid when you think about it - but its SOO hard to deal with..I did bang my head 4 weeks ago and well that just made this worse! As I have constant worry I have done some serious damage even though Ive been checked out - I dunno if its cause I wanted a scan and they insisted I didnt need one -all all other checks ok..and that it still on my mind. My head still hurts too so that doesnt help.

Any advice anyone could give would be much appreciated - I know I need to go to Docs - but when I try to tell people face to face about what happens it makes me have one so Iam scared of talking it out and that if the doc puts me on meds Il suffer side effects...over and out constant worrier... :weep:

07-03-11, 16:54
Hi Ellis81

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-03-11, 17:22
Thanks Nicola I hope so!:D

08-03-11, 00:01
Hi Ellis81,
I think that when we get so worked up, we never really fully recover from the anxiety, ya know? It is like a snowball that gathers speed and girth rolling down a hill. I am a worrier as well and I get mad at myself for it. I can tell you that I have started seeing a chiropractor and I feel it is helping my overall stress level. I read someone's suggestion of a rubber band around the wrist to "snap" out of negative thinking and catastrophic thinking. Good luck! Let me know if you find a solution.