View Full Version : hi all, im new, looking for friends

07-03-11, 20:02
hey everyone, im hailie and ive been suffering from anemia for almost a month now. This has led me to have bad panic attacks which leave me petrified. My anemia is getting better but my panic attacks are making my life hell. Ive got a phobia of being sick which makes me panic and im scared im going to faint or stop breathing. I just want the old me back. I miss spending time with my son and taking him out. I would love to talk to someone who knows how i feel. Thanks, hailie

07-03-11, 20:03
Hi twistedwhisperd

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-03-11, 20:16
Hello ,
I am new here too :)

07-03-11, 23:46
Getting lightheaded and feeling like I am going to pass out scares me too! Just losing control is scary. The good thing is, if you actually do pass out, your body automatically kicks in and you breathe again-you cannot stop your body from doing it's job-a doctor told me that!

08-03-11, 08:36
Hiya everyone,

That is good (about passing out and keep breathing) but i would rather not pass out lol.
I wake up every morning and i feel like its a struggle, i think "how many panic attacks will i have today? will i feel better?"
Im going to really try today and not have a panic attack, mind over matter! x

08-03-11, 10:19
Hi Haile :welcome: to NMP.

Waking up thinking how many panic attaks will i have only serves your fear and feeds it so you will have them because you are watching for every little twinge, but trust me i'm 47 and know that they are harmless, won't make u pass out or be sick or anthing else, fear is the culprit and as soon as you can say come on then panic attack do your worst, literaly stand there and say it outloud you will see it will pass quicker or not even start trust me .
If you were in a school yard and a bully came up to you threatening you imagine how scared you would be your stomache would churn, you would feel lightheaded your heart would race which are all good because your body is preparing you for the fear infront of you, imagine how good the bully would feel cos they made you so scared, triumph for the bully they scared you so much u ran away and dreaded every time you saw them maybe even avoided going to school incase you saw them, they have won, they scared you they did what they set out to acheive but ruined your life, a panic attack is exactly the same, if you succome to the feelings and dread them they will come again and again, so next time you feel one coming stand there and say outloud "come on then do your worst" trust me there is no worst, panic is limited to what it can do it's only the fear you have of it, after all if you stood up to the bully in that school yard and told them you wern't affraid of them they would have lost and walked away as they had no power over u.
It's hard to do i have no doubt about that but when you take the fear and power from panic it has nothing to do and goes away.

Love to u

08-03-11, 15:43
Hiya sharon,

thanks for your reply. I do try and take advice when im having a panic attack but it is hard isnt it? im getting scared of going outside but today i did go to the shop in the car and went into the shop. it was scary but i still did it.
Im going to the doctors soon, to hopefully get something for my anxiety, im abit reluctant to take it if its anti depressant, do you know if theres any natural remedie that works? xxx

08-03-11, 15:48
Hi There

Just think positive thoughts it is possible to live a normal life it takes time but you will feel better. Im currently going through a hitch in my recovery as i felt normal and didnt suffer with any anxiety for almost a year until now so i know its possible.

I dont know if you have heard of this but try avene sativa oat extract this helps me relax alot and with no side effects its great!

i just used 1ml in a cup of water 3 times and day and after a week i felt great! it has so many benefits!

(dont be put off by the fact some men use it to enhace sexual performance)

08-03-11, 16:06
I use to suffer from panic attacks when i was about 15, it took me a long time but i got over them and then a month ago getting anemia has triggered them off again.
it makes me so sad and angry sometimes, like im being punished for something!
I havent heard of that, can i get it from the health shops? Im taking spa tone (for my iron deficiancy) and also iron medicine from the doctors so i will have to check if i can this with it.

does it stop you from having a panic attack? or just calm you down?
thankyou for your advice, its very much appreciated. x

08-03-11, 16:39
You can get it in holland and barret here is some brilliant information on it


Its has loads of uses. i find it helps me stop bad thoughts and it calms me down quite quickly and helps me to relax which is important in recovery.

08-03-11, 17:05
Hi and welcome. I have only been here a short time myself but i have found loads of good advise already. I have panic attacks aswell but mine stems from low self esteem and depression and worst of all its hard for the ones i love to watch a 6'5" 15st man turn into a gibbering idiot at the thought of trawling round Tescos. I feel like i can't breath and i just need to get outside and see the sky above me.
There are times when i an control it if i really think about, examine whats scaring me and all that. I have also found it helpful to not think about the fat i am going to the supermarket, suppress pre-concieved scenarios and just do it... Take care :bighug1:

08-03-11, 17:09

i have just come back from the doctors, and she perscribed me propranolol, im scared to take them coz of side effects, has anyone heard of these or taken them? x

08-03-11, 17:21
afarid not does it come with information inside the box... they normally tell you about the side effects.. What did the doctor say about them?

08-03-11, 17:41
thankyou hun x

08-03-11, 17:42
My doctor told me not to look at the side effects lol and i did! it says the usual on the leaflet, if u notice life threatening side effects, if u are unable to breath etc.... im so worried about taking them, i dont know whether to try and a herbal remedy first and see how i get on with that x

08-03-11, 17:44
Hi and welcome. I have only been here a short time myself but i have found loads of good advise already. I have panic attacks aswell but mine stems from low self esteem and depression and worst of all its hard for the ones i love to watch a 6'5" 15st man turn into a gibbering idiot at the thought of trawling round Tescos. I feel like i can't breath and i just need to get outside and see the sky above me.
There are times when i an control it if i really think about, examine whats scaring me and all that. I have also found it helpful to not think about the fat i am going to the supermarket, suppress pre-concieved scenarios and just do it... Take care :bighug1:

you shouldnt be too hard on urself hun! im getting abit of a phobia about going outside, i look out the window and think what a beautiful day it is and wish i could be the old me again:weep: it makes me very sad.
do you take anything for ur panic attack? xx

08-03-11, 18:04
you shouldnt be too hard on urself hun! im getting abit of a phobia about going outside, i look out the window and think what a beautiful day it is and wish i could be the old me again:weep: it makes me very sad.
do you take anything for ur panic attack? xx

Aaaawww try not be sad enjoy the small victories like getting to your dr's today...yay you! that helps me tackle it sometimes...
No I'm not on any medication for anything. I was put on anti-depressants by my dr but i think the dosage was too low and like the divvy bloke i am i didn't go back...
I have recently been through the worst break down i have ever had...
That is what prompted me to get on this site it's easy to find people who try and empathise with what we go through...its hard to find someone who understrands... Until now:yesyes:

09-03-11, 09:25
Twisted try asking doc for a beta blocker rather than anti depressants, propanolol are a life saver for many, non addictive and work quickly, i hate meds of any kind but i have no problem taking these, in my humble non med expert oppinion they are fantastic, ask for a 10mg dose to start but you can have more 10mg will calm you but 20mg is what suits most, they are not tranquilizers or anti depressants they are beta blockers, i think they will help u.

09-03-11, 09:28
just read that post where doc has given u propanolol.

I know lots of people including me who take them and i can't rate them highly enough, i like the fact that they are not mind altering drugs, they dont make u spaced out they just slow the heart rate down enough for it to calm you and get you better, please if doc gave them u then give them a try, they dont cure panic attacks but they will help hun.

Chris hill
09-03-11, 10:18
Its not just me then phew.

09-03-11, 11:59

I still havent took one, my dads going to get me something from the health shop later (the one that u said) im going to give it a try and if it doesnt help calm me down i will take one of the propranolol. Im just sooo worried about taking one and it making me worse! i know i will get myself into a right state over it. xx

09-03-11, 13:45
Have you found anything on the net about it?

09-03-11, 14:20
As a foot note i have just found a thread on here about Propranol No More Panic (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/index.php) > Remedies/Therapy/Success (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=3) > Medication (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=7) > Propranolol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=50) > Propranolol side effects? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=51563).

it was started by mike339...