View Full Version : Night terrors

07-03-11, 20:34
Hello All,

Does anybody have any advice on how to cope with these horrendous night terrors i have, bedtime is becoming a real anxiety in itself. I use bachs night time remedy, and drink valarien tea before bed, but although this helps me to drop off, i am still waking up most nights. I usually scream or shout NO NO, and wake the whole house (two 12 year olds, and husband!), thats bad enough, but it is the all consuming terror that i feel after. My heart feels like it's coming out of my chest, i tremble and usually lie uncontrollably sobbing. Every around me becomes over sensatised and i think ridiculas irrational thoughts, ghosts, axe murderers etc. I know that this is part of the anxiety but struggle to put things into perspective until the cold light of day when my rationality comes back (sometimes!), any tips or even reassurence would be greatly appreciated, as i think my poor husbands nerves are becoming frayed!! Thanks folks x:blush: