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08-03-11, 00:25
hi all this is my second post, this website is actually really helpful and reassuring with anxiety. Does anyone feel weird all the time? I get really scared when it seems to snap in, like was i just dreaming there! sounds weird but these are the feelings i get! i also seem to feel detached sometimes for ages :( I actually thought i was starting to feel a bit better then BOOM i feel i am back to square one. I can only really speak to my family about this as i am afraid my friends will think i am a weirdo, and just say toughen up and get on with it. I used to go out all the time with my friends but dont see them as much as when i have a drink it makes me feel awful, i dont know if this is the alcohol or i am just over anxious about what will happen if i get drunk. Does anyone else feel really dettached from there body, makes me feel like i am actually dead and this is all a dream. reading peoples post it says they feel dizzy and lightheaded but i just feel abnormal :weep: I am 26 year old male and i feel like a small child, its very embarressing even telling people on here. I was watching a small youtube video from a guy called richard johnson about the dr. Claire Weekes books, any idea if these books are any good???

thanx for listening sorry to ramble on
Graeme x

08-03-11, 00:26
also does anyone get bad short term memory???

08-03-11, 12:29
I can deeeefinitely relate to the feeling terrible with alcohol, and the short term memory! My short term memory is truly awful when I'm anxious (and to be fair, quite often when I'm not!), but I've been assured by 2 different doctors (one Bupa GP and the head of the Priory in Glasgow) that this is common with Anxiety, as your mind is so preoccupied and running on full steam, it is just tired.
Also mate, don't feel embarrassed - you have nothing to be embarrassed about! We're all in the same boat together :)
Look after yourself mate, you'll beat this. If you need a chat or what not, feel free to drop me a pm!


08-03-11, 22:28
Graeme, yes it's all quite normal for this anxiety and will pass and yes Claire Weekes books are excellent, always make me feel better, but then I think any reading is good for anxiety, I have read two of them 3 times as the better you get the more sense they seem to make. chin up and forward to your recovery:)