View Full Version : Can anyone help?

04-04-06, 18:28
Hi there. For the past few weeks I have had pains in the top left hand side of my chest and it comes and goes. Also I have had some pains at both sides of my head and at the front of my head that come and go as well. For two days my breathing has felt short. I went to my doctor about it and he said it is stress because I worry about a lot of things and also that I am maybe suffering from panic attacks. But I am not sure if I am as I am still having the breathing problems. I read about anxiety and think that it could maybe be that but am not entirely sure. Is panic attacks and anxiety the same? Please help. imp_89

Two heads
04-04-06, 18:41
Hi!Ive been suffering with shortness of breath since december now and its driving mw mad,but have been told its related to the anxiety which im still to this day not sure to believe my doc.He said we can hyperventilate(excuse spelling)even in our sleep and wake up breathless.I have had chest xray and blood test and nothing!so i guess it is stress.xx

04-04-06, 19:05
I used to get same thing but I find jogging everyday really helps. Even if your not in the mood do it! trust m eit will help! best Jim