View Full Version : Vitamin D deficiency

08-03-11, 00:52
Have very low levels of vitamin D and have been prescribed tablets.
Have had joint pain on and off for a long time and feel really tired all the time.
Has anyone been diagnosed with this and will i have to take the tablets for ever or can i stop when my levels are ok.
Its just one thing after another !!!

08-03-11, 15:41
Everyone needs vitamin D ..The body produces its own by being out in the sunshine .Winer months can make you deficient sometimes .I always take 1000mg of cod or omega fish oil during the winter .It does help your joints and improves general mood and brain function .I can always tell when im low in it .You will find once you spend time outside during the warm weather you wont need to supplement your intake .Get another test once the summer is here to be sure .Its not wise to overdose on it .If you eat oily fish regularly you wont need so much in capsule form, as this is a good natural source as well .Sue x

09-03-11, 20:12
has anyone else had low vit D as im really stressing at the moment !!

10-03-11, 15:11
Its not something that is usually tested .But something that is easily treated .Stop worrying ..sue x

10-03-11, 15:15
My Mam had it. She took vit d for a while then it went away. Not a problem. Lots of people in this country are deficient due to the climate. Eat plenty of fish like Sue said.

23-04-11, 17:47
I was seaching the forum for vit d deficiany, so thought I'd bring this back to the top.

My 13 yr old son has just been diagnosed as vit d deficient. He has been complaining of back pain for ages, and so i took him to the docs several times, they referred him to a paediatrician for the back pain and as he bed wets (since a toddler), they wondered if the pain was kidney related.

So a packet of propanalol (for me!) later - I got a letter today telling me this - it does add up as he spends a lot of time in his room with the curtains shut! playing on the PS3, he does go out at weekends if the weather is ok - but is always covered up.

So I need to go to the gp on Tuesday to find out what supplement they are going to prescribe him - hope it makes his pain go away!!

How have you been? Have the tablets worked?

24-04-11, 14:47
Try and get as much Vit D as naturally as you can in the form of oily fish and sunshine as mentioned above. Fortified cereals such as Branflakes can be a source of Vit D too.
My aunt was offered injections to treat her deficiency and they were administered in a very short space of time and as a result of this she was very poorly with bad psoriasis - I think it's because she was given high doses in a short space of time so just be cautious if they ever offer injections. It shouldn't be a problem with tablets but getting it naturally is always the best option.
I'm currently on holiday in Florida and not only do you get Vit D from the sun but they put Vit D in milk and fortify many more cereals than the UK do. Probably because it's not wise to spend too much time in the blazing sun out here!!