View Full Version : Eye problem

08-03-11, 10:10
I have posted threads on here recently about having constant headaches.

Ironically, my headaches have been so much better over the last 6 days - hardly any problems!! Now, however, I have convinced myself that my left eye is bigger than my right eye. Even my daughter mentioned it the other day!! The thing is, I am pretty sure it has always been like that!! I had a bad squint in my right eye as a child and it has always been my weaker eye and I always slightly close it when it is bright, when I am concentrating, when I am tired or if I drink too much!! In most photos, this is obvious and has always been. I keep examining my eyes really closely oin the mirror!

I have stupidly googled and it says I could have atumor behind my eye that is pushing it forward!! I had my eyes tested before Christmas and they were fine apart from needing low prescription reading glasses! I have made another opticians appointment for this afternoon where they test eye pressure and take a photo of the back of your eye and i am terrified that they are going to find something!! Someone please give me some encouraging words!!!!!

08-03-11, 10:26
Hey Jo how strange, I thought this the other day and asked my daughter, she said not but to me it even felt bigger, if you had a tumour that made your eye much larger I think you would of had many more problems, also we are not symetrical some people have one ear larger etc... I'm sure you will be fine, I have one pupil which looks larger than the other at times!! I did Dr google!!!!!!!!! I ban you and everyone else from Dr google!!! let us know how you get on:hugs:You wait and see how much better you feel after seeing optician.

08-03-11, 10:41
Don't fret we all have one eye bigger than the other but in most people it's not noticable or they just don't notice :-). Your eyeball size itself can change. Mine has gotten bigger after starting with anxiety as it raises your blood pressure slightly. It's nothing to worry about at all.....i just wear big sized contact lenses now! Especially if you had your eyes checked recently it will be unlikely that there is going to be no sinister problems there.....I have a lazy eye too by the way :-)) xx

08-03-11, 13:12
I had a recent eye scare and had googled myself silly, when the optician saw something behind my retina. I am sure that if you had a tumour big enough to make your eye bulge, you would have had some other symptoms. I have a mole behind my retina, so diagnosed myself with a tumour. It did turn out to be a mole, less than 1/2mm in width, very flat and "healthy." Apparently 1/3 of the population has them (and that's the ones who have actually been to an optician and been sent to a surgeon to have something checked out). There could be loads more who are never diagnosed, and are fit, healthyand because they never have had eye tests, never find out. The chances of moles turning cancerous are extremely remote. Eye cancer is also extremely, extremely rare. Please remember this.

Please try not to worry. I am sure if the optician said your eye was fine the last time you had a test, nothing could have developed in such a short time. I'm learning that the more I look at supposed "symptoms" the more I believe I have something serious, I imagine I see things that are really not there at all, and my worry goes to nuclear. I was convinced I had oral cancer a few months ago and spent hours poking around in my mouth, making it very sore indeed. Fortunately I had a routine check up and what I believed to be a growth, was, in fact, a very healthy set of gums with nothing wrong at all. The dentist laughed at me.

I hope my words reassure you. I have been living with health anxiety for a long time now, but now Citalopram has finally kicked in, I am beginning to forget it. I was getting tired and bored of being so scared all the time, but I'm hoping I am on the road to recovery.

I send you all my best wishes - please post your update when you have it.

08-03-11, 17:53

I went for an optician appointment this afternoon and paid a bit extra to have a retina photograph etc. I told her my worries and she spent ages looking at the back of both my eyes. She said they were fine and that there was no sign of any swelling or anything - everything looked normal and healthy!! I hope this alays my fears now!!

Thanks for all your help earlier

08-03-11, 22:21
good news Jo i bet you feel a million times better already.xx:)

09-03-11, 12:45

Yes I am feeling better but my headache has returned today with a vengeance!! Typical!!

09-03-11, 13:14
headache is probley the stress relief from the worrying of the eye test... glad it was all normal....even the smallest amount of any pressure/change in the brain can show up in an eye test...my doc told me that when she checked my eyes, it does make you feel better, as my biggest fear is a brain tumor... hope headachee goes soon x