04-04-06, 18:53
I have suffered from anxiety conserning a phenomenon I see in the sky and on white walls and blank fields. At first I thought it was a neurological problem or halucination, but now I realize that it is normal in most individuals. I am new to the forum and I introduce myself as a first year optometry student in St. Louis, MO USA. I have used this site many times to help me with my anxiety and I hope to be able to contribute now that I have mostly overcome my fears. The following site explains the phenomenon:


Hopefully this will alleviate some people's anxiety conserning this phenomenon. Thanks,

04-04-06, 18:58

i aslo have suffered with this and it has scared me from time to time esspecially in the summer when the sun is really bright ,,
a real wieght off my mind this is cause i thought i was going blind,,,or there was something wrong somewhere,,

thanks for your informative post most interesting,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

05-04-06, 04:31
I also found that I see this same phenomenon during much of the day, but really only when I'm looking for it. I think it can explain many of the visual symptoms explained in these forums. People, including myself, who have anxiety are over-tuned to their perceptions. I believe that many people experience this and just dismiss it. I am glad my post helped you though as I wish I would have found the explanation to it earlier. ( I feel silly now, but I have been worrying about this on and off for over 2 years )

25-04-06, 07:20
In addition to this does anyone ever get a pulsing sometimes in there eye that goes along with your heartbeat? It is hard to explain how this looks but it is always against a white background and usually when anxious of after exercise...have been to the eye doctor and all is well...just wondering