View Full Version : hi

08-03-11, 12:49
hi im new to no more panic.... i came across it when i was googling about propanalol........... i suffer with g.a.d and agoraphobia it has been on and off for almost ten years since i was 15 , i speak to friends about my situation and they are a great support but obviously dont fully understand1 thought it would be nice to speak to some people who are going through it to swap advice and different tactics be nice to hear from u xxxxxx

08-03-11, 12:51
Hi amarie

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-03-11, 15:22
Hi amarie

I'm new here to but welcome anyway:)

08-03-11, 15:29
Hi amarie

Im a newbie too. Welcome.

Try to remember it is possible to live a normal life whilst suffering with anxiety so try to keep positive and positive thoughts!