View Full Version : Irrational thoughts taking over - AGAIN!!!

08-03-11, 13:31
Hi there,

Well today im in an awful mood, ive had many tests over the past years, things i had genuine concerns about (symptoms etc) and 'got away with it' At the moment my worry is my moles and melanoma, which i never even knew much about until recently and as soon as i googled and found out about the ABCDE rules, about twelve of my moles meet all the criteria for cancer, although my doctor wasnt concerned about any of them, just told me to watch them and said moles come in all shapes and sizes. He scheduled a derm appointment for me for peace of mind which isnt until the 29th of March and now ive all these images of the dermatologist being majorly concerned about loads of them and cutting them off for biopsy...

Does anyone else ever feel that because they've worried about diseases and had tests and didnt have the illness, that the current thing they are definately going to have, as GOD (or whoever or whatever is out there) is sick of listening to them, and will give them the disease if they dwell on it so much? This is my worry today, that because ive worried so much about this, that ive attracted it now. Is this more irrational thinking?

08-03-11, 14:23
Hi Fred

You're right about this - it's more irrational thinking, and it's something that most of us with anxiety go through. At the moment, it sounds to me as though you're blaming yourself for how you're feeling, therefore you "deserve" something awful to happen to you.

So, putting a bit of rational thought on all this:

* you've got some moles
* you think they meet the criteria for melanoma etc (but you're not a doctor, you're engaging the evil Dr Google to help you!)
* your doctor isn't worried about them, but has sent you to a dermatologist for reassurance

So, what's the worst that could happen? There's a possibility that the dermatologist could advise removing some of the moles as a precaution only - this doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with them now, but occasionally they will say that you're better off without a mole "just in case". In which case it will be removed before anything horrible can happen to it.

It's very unlikely that your GP has got this wrong, as melanoma has "red flag" (i.e. urgent) symptoms that must be referred to a specialist if they are spotted. If you had any "red flag" symptoms you would have been given an urgent referral.

08-03-11, 14:37
Thanks blueangel i appreciate the reply,

I know what you are saying, it makes great sense and i even feel a bit better after reading it, i really need to try and hold on to the rational side of myself, that i know is in here somewhere.

08-03-11, 21:38
like blue said, your not a doctor, google isn't a doctor, your doctor is and he isn't worried, so you shouldn't be! hope i helped :)

08-03-11, 21:38
like blue said, your not a doctor, google isn't a doctor, your doctor is and he isn't worried, so you shouldn't be! hope i helped :)
answer mine: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=91638