View Full Version : Hello everyone

08-03-11, 15:24
Im a newbie just signing in to say hello! been a long time lurker reading posts but never registerd. Good to know im not the only one feeling this way.

Im 23 and had my first panic attack about 10 years ago whislt in school.

Ive had moments where my anxiety is extreme as it is now and moments in my life where ive completely forgot about it and it hasnt bothered me for some time.

I recently lost my job and had alot of stress with owing car insurance money and other debts mounting with no way of paying them. Eventually the anxiety kicked in and slowly im begining to feel overhwlemed with it all! its constantly with me all day and night and i seem to be suffering from constant derealization too. My sleeping patten is messed up and generally feeling low but ive been here before and i know its possible to recover as i have before so im hoping if i get talking with you guys i can get my life back to normal sooner rather than later!


08-03-11, 15:25
Hi karlwirral

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.