View Full Version : dizzness, lightheaded, nausea

08-03-11, 17:07
today woke up fine after a bad day yesterday of no appetite and only ate 2small slices of toast all day yesterday and i ate them at 7.30am any way woke up fine this morning had 3ricecakes with strawberry jam then about 9.30am i went all lightheaded and nausea on and off this was soon as i stood up to go to the car and all on journey and back again it did die off for a bit now is back again my head is banging as well but to top it off before i stood up i was negative thinking about my day out the shops as i hate going out i panic about panicking so i set myself up for a bad day anyway so all day i have still been light-headed and just feeling nausea on and off i don't no whats up with me but would love to no how to get rid of your feeling i am suffering with ulcer or hernia symptoms and getting ultrasound tomorrow and camera down throat on 22nd as am suffering burning stomach, no appetite etc yesterday all i ate was 2 small slices of toast and today all I've eaten is 3ricecakes with jam at half7am then a pk of snack a jacks and 3richtea biscuits at about 2pm but I've had this light-headed and nausea since about 9am on and off its really freaking me out :(
also having watery brash (but i get this everyday am on omeprazole 20mg one day for this and burning stomach )
anyway to top my day off had bad episode with my panic attack i totally freaked out about 12pm couldn't calm down for a long while all in all am just having the worse few months of panicking ever i dont get one days rest am so tired and exhausted :weep:

08-03-11, 17:24
Panicking doesn't help but I feel it may be a lack of food that's doing it. I'm not proud in any way to admit this but I used to not eat alot on purpose a while ago, no more than 800 calories a day. Anyway this gave me the same symptoms you describe, maybe try some soup or something simple like that? I know how hard it is to eat when you don't feel like it but it more than likely will help :)

09-03-11, 00:10
I also would agree that it sounds like lack of food.

If I don't eat then I will start feeling sick, which in turn makes it harder to eat. Also, even though you are on Omeprazole, your stomach acid will have nothing to work on and therefore will cause added discomfort. Add to this the fact of not eating will also start to make you dizzy as your blood sugar levels change and other things start to occur which will not make you feel that great.

I have also discovered that eating things like crackers and even rice cakes actually increase your acid levels. Rice cakes are better eaten when you are eating normal meals as a snack but I wouldn't rely on them as a stomach settler, surprising I know. I would of thought that rice cakes would of absorbed any excess acid but this is not the case with me anyway.

Don't forget that as Anxiety sufferers we have far too much acid and therefore have to take this into account. Your tiredness will also contribute to the lack of food factor (or rather the other way round)!


11-03-11, 16:22
i just cant force myself to eat having a phobia of vomiting / anxiety loss of appetite and just feeling so bad i can't force myself to eat am so scared to eat its killing me i just cry all day at the thought of me not eating..
even now i have eaten today its now 4pm i woke at 7am i've had 2small toast/cup of tea & 4custard cream biscuits, 11am a pk of snack a jack rice crisps then about half2 i had one choc chip rice cake thats all to me its alot but these feelings ive had again all day today and just wont go just feel - light headed / headache / trembling all over / shakey / nausea on & off/ frothy saliva/nervous type belly feeling/ that scared horrible feeling that just wont budge and because of my phobia of vomiting i just cant force myself to eat as i think i will be sick how am i ever gonna get through this ??

11-03-11, 16:23
Panicking doesn't help but I feel it may be a lack of food that's doing it. I'm not proud in any way to admit this but I used to not eat alot on purpose a while ago, no more than 800 calories a day. Anyway this gave me the same symptoms you describe, maybe try some soup or something simple like that? I know how hard it is to eat when you don't feel like it but it more than likely will help :)

with my loss of appetite i don't eat or drink at all and its also my negative thinking i have a phobia of vomiting and right now am finding it so so hard to eat and when i feel like this i just cant eat at all :( been like this again all today