View Full Version : cant help but think its something bad :(

08-03-11, 17:11
hey guys .. i was in such a good mood yesterday after findin out my blood test came back fine .. but my necks hurtin today on the right side just under and a little left to my chin i dont know if its an ache or pain :( or whatever! iv only been suffering with anxiety for about 6 weeks now and i thought findin out my bloods were ok would be closure on all this worrying i dont want to end up going to the extents of demanding all sorts of tests off the doc an hospital i wanted this to be an end and for me to try and move on. seems i was silly to think it could be that easy. all in all im feeling alot better in myself but i know how quikly anxiety can take over our mind beond our control and the last thing i want when im really trying is for something else to get me panicing and im back where i started. how do i exept thease aches and pains are just anxiety? because when im feelin really good and lookin to the future im still getting them? but i dont feel anxious with them? its them thats makein me anxious? does anybody understand me? :( :( xx

08-03-11, 17:17
Sometimes it can be helpful to think, 'if you have a neck pain before the anxiety, what did you do?' and also ask yourself how many times you have had neck pain.

08-03-11, 17:23
hi piers. yeh thats what i try and think but then it gets to the point that i cant even remember what pains and stuff i got before all this. i wasnt one of those people that went to the docs when they were ill i just got on with it and let it pass but now i cant be like that :( every little thing scares me. then i think well if it was something bad id be in agony surely? maybe its my mind makein it worse because im consentrateing on it constantly?

08-03-11, 17:46
Also remember if you've been in a constant state of high anxiety for a while now, you will have been holding yourself tense for that length of time and you'll have to give your muscles chance to relax:hugs:

I often feel achey around my neck and shoulders, especially when I've had a particularly anxious period.

08-03-11, 18:21
Mmm, I've often find that things get temporarily worse as I start to unwind after a period of high anxiety. If the anxiety has really wrung me ourt then it tends to pass off ok otherwise it can be quite hard not to let it drive you back to square one (don't let it drive you back to square one :hugs:)

08-03-11, 20:48
aww thankyou guys just hearing your reasureing friendly words makes me feel better :) im still gettin the ache or what ever it is. i was even talkin to myself saying go away ache im not even botherd that your there :) but that didnt get rid of it lol :hugs: xx