View Full Version : is it just my anxiety

08-03-11, 17:28
this may sound silly to some people but just want to know if any one else is like me, usally i wake up every morning about half 8 9ish but today for some reason i didnt wake up till half ten and straight away i got really anxiouse as because i have HA as well as GAD i i thought OMG im going to be ill as i havent slept in for a a long time now and ive been anxiouse all day thinking about it and keep feeling abit funny and have a headache and think my arm and legs feel abit weak .am i just being silly and am i bringing the symtoms on my self by keep thinking about ,so if any one can give me thier views on it . i WOULD BE VERY GRATEFUL

08-03-11, 18:02
hi there
im the same some times think if i lie in i must be ill or depressed

macc noodle
08-03-11, 22:23
I can't bear to lie in or even nap on the settee - if I do I get all anxious that there is something seriously wrong with me and this makes me even worse.

Also, if I wake up in the middle of the night, I immediately panic and start checking myself to see if I have any pains or problems. :ohmy:

You are not along honey in this way of feeling.
