View Full Version : double vision in the night

08-03-11, 17:29
ok, so its been a while since ive had to come on here... really really need some advice though.. ive been feelin really sick since september, then it stopped for a couple of months and now its back.. ive stopped and started citalopram a few times and wondered if it could maybe be that... in the last month, ive woken up at 5am every morning and 3 times now ive had double vision for about 10 seconds untill i rub my eyes and it goes back to normal.. do you think this is just because ive just woken up and im still half asleep or could it be something more.. i keep thinking brain tumor due to the sickness aswell but dont think that would of gone for a while if so... please someone give me some idea.. someone once said that with a brain tumor you can smell burning and now thats all i can smell.. im at my wits end worrying.. so sick of feeling like this everyday :weep:
thanks in advance xxxxxxxxx

08-03-11, 18:46
please answer someone.... now im scared no one will reply because they think its bad!!!

08-03-11, 18:52
Hi, Are you being sick or just feeling sick?

08-03-11, 19:42
just feeling sick... dr gave me some tablets and thats eased off now.. just the double vision thing now and funny smell :-(

08-03-11, 22:09
Hi, Any eye defects at all? It would be normal though to see a bit of double vision or similar if you wake in a bright lighted atmosphere? As for the burning smell, a blocked nose or sinuses could cause this, or maybe there is burning outside or you are just letting your imagination run a bit wild?