View Full Version : Don't like to speak too soon

08-03-11, 17:48
Hi Everyone,

I have had a really good week. Saying that things are good isn't something I really find easy, but I guess that's part of the reason I ended up with anxiety in the first place. I am a glass half empty person !!

I spent 3 years struggling with anxiety. It was a struggle as it affected everything, my work, relationships, children, social life...you name it and it was a problem.

My latest issues came to a head last august when I lost the plot on holiday, and on return to work I was really struggling.
When I went to the GP we discussed medication. It was something I had resisted for years before. I was absolutely adamant that I had to beat this on my own, without medication. To cut a long story short, I started on amitriptylline in December. I have noticed over the last month that I am less tearful, and I am happier and have more to say. It was difficult to know whether it was the medication working......it doesn't wave a flag and say "right, i'm working now" !!
I am waffling on, but basically, the medication has got me on the second rung of the ladder and I now have the confidence to do things that I know will beat my anxiety.
I visit people at home at work, and for a year I have been unable to do this due to major anxiety. This week I done a home visit. It was 1.5 hours long......my ultimate nightmare before, but I done it, and didn't feel anxious at all.
I just wanted to post this as I have read many different threads where some members have suggested that medication is just going to mask the anxiety. It made me question whether I was a bit of a "fake".....did I really have the right to celebrate my achievements if they came with the aid of medication?
But I have to say that I feel great, I don't care how I got here, I'm just pleased I am on the right track, and if that came with the help of a few tablets then so be it.....If you need them and they help then great.
I'm not trying to get everyone on medication, I just think it's good to read some positive stories about medication as I was beginning to question whether I was doing the right thing.

Onwards and upwards !! Good Luck, :yesyes:

08-03-11, 18:15
Well Done Michelle:yesyes::yesyes:

I,ve beem on citralapram since January and i,m sure i would be still depressed / feeling wrotten if i hadn,t started takeing them . Who cares if were on meds as long as we get our life back

Really pleased for you :yesyes:

08-03-11, 18:27
hello Midgey,

I am delighted to read this and so uplifting to read ...........go go girl go !!!
not going to get into debate about medication or go alone .therapy etc. for me meds saved my life ...but know it is not for all .x

the fact is you feel better now :yesyes:............and now can assess why it happened .......put strategies in place ......and get your life back .
slowly perhaps .....cos we are cautious:blush:...............but onward now .
thank you for the lovely hopeful post

09-03-11, 19:54
Thank you so much Snowgoose and Mel2 for your positive comments.
Snowgoose, that's exactly how I see it......I am now in a place to put all the strategies I have learnt into place.
I done another 3 home visits today so although I know I can still have difficult days I have the confidence back that I lost with anxiety.
I'm glad to hear that you are both feeling more positive now, and yes, who cares whether it's with the help of medication.
As I said, I was a little worried as I'd read so many comments from other members which made me question whether I was "cheating" if I took medication, but I felt so bad, I was prepared to try and can't believe it's working !!
Good luck to you all, and lets hope we continue to be happier !!
:D :D :D