View Full Version : What do you think

08-03-11, 17:52
I know i have asked several sometimes repetitive questions here but i promise this will be the last time

About 1hr after having chicken for dinner i had a sharp stabbing pain in the front part of my chin?????????? Was just sitting watching tv nothing exciting and then i also got high BP, shoulder pain, under armpit aches ( both arms) and sweaty

It still feels like it is throbbing. I have no idea what has caused it but as everyone knows i have heart attack anxiety

I did read that this is a common symptom in women and they can experience pains before the actual attack for up to 30 days:ohmy::ohmy:

Am now really scared stiff again that i am having/going to have a heart attack anytime now

please helpor let me know if you have felt these before

08-03-11, 18:17
I'm no doctor but this sounds like anxiety to me, you seem to have worked yourself up alot worrying. I haven't had these symptoms before but the mere mention of anything to do with a heart attack on tv and I come out in chest pains because I'm terrified it's going to happen to me.
If you really are worried, go to the doctor, I'm sure they'd rather have 100 people come in with worries that they can pass off as nothing as opposed to 100 people worrying alone at home. It's what they get paid to do after all!

Try and stay calm though, I'm sure it's nothing :) Also, stop asking Dr Google for answers, it's the work of the devil!! You type something as un-serious as toothache in and it will pop up with a million ways in which you're about to pop your cloggs! I know it's tempting but it just makes it worse :doh:

08-03-11, 18:27
thanks Lizz

I am in spain & once again can not afford to see the dr as havent been able to work very often due to these

I am on diazapem 2mg as and when required, amitryptline 10mg at night, ovysmen contraceptive pill, nexium for indigestion and was on ibroprofen 400mg daily for chest discomfort but i only stooped taking it last week as my BP was so high and i heard they can do it to you so only had 1 yesterday and none today

My husband is at his wits end and i hate him seeing me like this and i hate telling him as he gets frustrated and tells me its only anxiety / alcohol or something and then i get more frustrated at him

Actually tody when i woke up i was fine, was only 1hour after my turkey burgers and salad i felt really bad

He checked my pulse just now and it is 70, BP 150/92 (was 179/107 earlier when i got the pain in my jaw) so i just dont no what to think anymore

in 13 years i can never ever remember it being this severe

08-03-11, 19:01
You say your BP went up when you got the pain in your jaw, could be a natural reaction of worry?
I'd tell your husband as well that it doesn't help when he's frustrated with you, maybe sit him down and try to explain to him what it's like. I know how difficult that is, and people who haven't experienced it will never fully understand but without his support you're not going to feel any better.
Is the hospital free? Could always go there if it is, whatever it takes to put your mind at ease, do it.

I'm sorry I can't help more, but I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

08-03-11, 19:05
you have been great

we did talk before but he says there is hardly a day goes by now when i dont complain or worry about the symptoms - i am the same when he goes on about his knee and back problems which he has had for years

I think i do realise deep down that it is anziety related but its so hard when other people your hear of die at a young age/have heart attacks in their 30's etc etc

The hospital is not free - even the ambulance is €75 on its own :O

08-03-11, 19:55
omg :ohmy: I guess it's not until you hear things like that that I can appreciate the nhs!

I know how it feels to have someone, well most people not understand, like with back and knee pain people don't think about it because it's so well known about but when it comes to mental illness it's a whole different ball game. Is there anyone else you could talk to? Someone who you feel comfortable with and who will listen, maybe give your husband a break?

macc noodle
08-03-11, 22:32
Hi there,

Sorry you not feeling good again. Anxiety is such a pain in the butt :mad:

I really do not think you have anything at all to worry about regarding a heart attack - it really does sound like anxiety.

I have just a couple of suggestions though for you to try out (1) stop having any alchohol for a week or so and see if that reduces your anxiety [I know if I am having a bad time, a drink or two definitely makes me more anxious] and (2) try not to keep taking your blood pressure [you are pushing the readings just by keep doing it].

Vis a vis your hubby - mine is not very good at being any help when I am in the midst of my HA attacks - he keeps saying things like "it is just your anxiety" or "don't be silly, you are fine" - which, at the time, I am clearly not! I get cross with him and usually snap!

I am sure you will be fine hon, try and distract yourself with something you enjoy doing or that absorbs your attention and see if that lessens the pains.



08-03-11, 23:02
thanks as always macc

stopped alcohol for 1 week and i actually felt worse :O

I phoned my mum but she just said u always used to feel like that ........... in a no win situation i think

off 2 bed and see if i can get any sleep (fingers crossed)