View Full Version : Hello Everyone

08-03-11, 17:56
I am new to this site, but have had general anxiety for a long time. My Doctor has said that I now have depression. I am a man in my forties and have recently been put on medication (Propranolol and Sertraline). Still suffering from side effects of meds :mad:

I am pleased that this site exists as it seems like a good place to get help and advice from others. Hope to make an improvement soon and best of luck to everyone else out there who is struggling with similar difficulties.

Best wishes

08-03-11, 17:58
Hi Tyke

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-03-11, 18:00
hi there tyke, im pretty new to this site still but have found it very helpful and informative :) hope you do aswell x

08-03-11, 18:15
Hey Tyke i have been on here 24 hours and thers loads of help, advise and friends... hope the site helps its given me hope mate...

08-03-11, 23:06
Hi, Tyke

Just thought I would send you a big welcome to NMP. I hope you will find this site useful and make some new friends too.

My name is Anita and I suffer with anxiety and depression too.


12-03-11, 14:58
Thank you everyone for your replies. It is nice to know I am not alone, as it often seems hard for non sufferers to understand whats going on. Best wishes to all of you in your efforts to find solutions to these difficulties.


12-03-11, 17:33
You've hit the nail on the head Tyke about non sufferers. It's very hard for anyone to understand how it feels.
Hope the site helps and you feel better soon.
All the best