View Full Version : New and idk whats goin on

08-03-11, 20:08
I have a bad taste In my mouth, I have had a cough and been sniffing for a month. I have no appetite, my lower back and legs hurt. I'm honestly afraid to sleep because of this. HElP!!

08-03-11, 21:39
ok seriously can someone help me please!:unsure:

08-03-11, 21:40

08-03-11, 21:46
oops sent too soon! I have had same symptoms and it was all created by anxiety, esp the taste in mouth. your aches are prob due to your lack of sleep and if you are run down your throat will be sore. Best thing I did was go to docs, say I was worried and I had a full blood test. it looks at any inflamation markers and will show up and anemia etc. I felt so much better once I had clear result. do you lucent in the UK? I have also just started an nhs online cbt course which really helps with anxiety. does any of this help?

08-03-11, 22:01
I had all that and have been diagnosed with tonsillitis and given antibiotics - go to docs. My legsa nd back were aching too. Nothing sinister xx

09-03-11, 13:34
I had all of this from anxiety too, particularly the taste and no appetite, cough, feeling wrecked.