View Full Version : Mind/mental chatter

08-03-11, 20:13

Having a particular bad episode of "mind chatter" at the moment. It all focuses about one possible future event. Mind chatter is something I've never been very good at controlling so some ideas would be greatly appreciated.

It starts the minute I wake up and lasts throughout the day on and off. I must have wasted hours upon hours on stupid thoughts. I try distraction and mindfulness but within a few minutes/hours I'm back on the treadmill of thoughts :shrug:.


08-03-11, 23:34
Hi Megan

I know exactly how you feel. I have a great deal of chatter in my head most of the time. Although it has reduced since I started taking Citalopram. I find it very wearing, Sometimes I want to shout back at it to just go away. I have tried to "lalalalalalala- I'm not listening" but that doesn't work for long.

Sometimes singing in my head works "Penny Lane" is a good one. I also use my MP3 player when it is really bad. Bruce Springstein, Nickelback and Mozart are very effective. The more complicated the music the more chance it will shut the wretched natterjack up.

My therapist suggested allotting some time every day to allowing the chatter to go ahead and do its thing and then say that's enough time's up. It might work for you but I find that it doesn't stop once I let it get started as it were.

I think it helps if you don't allow the conversation to develop..like in Mindfulness. Every time you catch yourself rehearsing stuff in your head say "I'm not doing this" Night time is the worse for me.

Take care

09-03-11, 02:26
i get that sometime but i get a whole load of stuff litrally spinning in my hea and i cant ever mke out what it is cuz there so much going on like a massive explosion :/ goes after iv done some breathing though

Jamie C
09-03-11, 03:52

I get it alot, does me head in, some of it is quite alarming with some of the stuff that comes up.. only when i'm occupied does it go away.

Hope your feeling better soon.


09-03-11, 15:43
Thanks for your replies, it is good to know I'm not alone.

My mind chatter is always about the one thing that is worrying me at that specific time.

My thought pattern just goes round and round, after many years of this on and off I'm just getting fed up of it. :wall:

Has anyone ever got the better of it?


09-03-11, 15:52
Not yet, but I refuse to give up trying....