View Full Version : Hello I am new, need advice on weaning off Fluoxetine please????

08-03-11, 20:27
Hello, I have been on Fluoxetine since Aug last year. I started off on 40mgs per day, then in Oct last year went down to 40mgs evey 3 days. (I had depression & anxiety due to a number of stresses & probably a touch of post-natal depression too). I have also been on Diazapam 2mg 4 times per day since March last year. Some days I need Diazapam, others I am ok. I get quite anxious about my children, my 1 yr old in particular as he has susected astma and has been ill for some time. My family are also in financial difficulties, which makes me anxious. I sometimes drink quite alot of alcohol. My GP thinks that I am stressed and not depressed anymore. When I asked him what to do about the anti-depressants in that case, he did not answer. (Having a bad day due to uk NHS reforms, I expect). I don't know what to do. i feel that I cannot really talk to my GP about this now. I don't really want to take them anymore & haven't now for over a week to experiment, but I keep getting really snappy, which is not good as I have 2 children under 3. Any suggestions please? (Before all this happened, I was a really happy, confident & outgoing person. I now feel inconfident & unhappy about my appearance & sometimes quite withdrawn).

08-03-11, 20:28
Hi Jenny25

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-03-11, 13:55
Hi Jenny

I am currently getting off them myself. I have tried in the past and failed, by cutting them out too quickly and getting horrible withdrawal symptoms. This time I have cut down 10mg at a time, approx 4 weeks between each reduction. Stopped altogether over a week ago and am fine so far other than a bit over emotional for the last few days. I am sure this will go in a few more days. I think the trick is to get off the stuff gradually.

Hope it works for you.


10-03-11, 15:16
Thanks Ian. I didn't take my dose for a week, then got a bit tearfull, (still got a few issues going on). So I will take probably twice per week, then reduce down every fortnight untill I am eventually off the Prozac (Fluoxetine). I hope this works. I am so fed up with taking pill now! Thanks for the advice:) x