View Full Version : Thanks NMP for stopping me googling

09-03-11, 08:33
Not really coping today as on my own at home. They are still looking into my high ESR and I know its probably going to be ages until I get some answers but I can't stop thinking its cancer or some other horrible degenerative disease that will shorten my life. Must not google. Am so thankful for NMP as its not the only website I will allow myself to look at as I know it won't scare me!

09-03-11, 08:48
Well done for not googling first of all. There are a few nurses on the site here who might be able to give you a bit more information about the common causes for high ESR. RLR might be able to help out as well, as he is a retired doctor and posts some great advice on here.

09-03-11, 08:51
Thanks. Any advice would be good. ESR has been raised 4 times and I have back pain (they think slipped disc but not cause of high ESR) and pain in my toes. Have had back Xray and other blood tests which were fine. Am going to my docs on Mon.

09-03-11, 09:30
Well done for not googling!!! To be honest this site was responsible for me finally ditching google too:yesyes:

Hope things go well for you on Monday:hugs:

09-03-11, 09:36
well done. really pleased for you. i to have found that i never google now because of this site. x:)

09-03-11, 09:42
Yeah not googling really helps. My doctor is really good as well as he knows what I'm like so he doesn't mention possible diseases etc until he has checked them out as he knows I will just think I have it! Its still worrying not knowing whats wrong but better than convincing myself I have something terrible which I probably don't.
Thanks for the advice.