View Full Version : No one understands

09-03-11, 09:54
I'm suffering from really bad anxiety at the moment and am having frequent panic attacks. My husband doesn't understand why I am feeling this way and keeps telling me to chill out. If it was as easy as that I would be fine - I wish! I've been to the doctors and he has prescribed some Peroxetine but my husband is livid and does not want me to take them. He thinks I don't need pills to make me feel better! This is just making me feel worse as I feel guilty and stupid as if it is my fault i'm feeling this way. We've had a lot going on lately and I think this has brought on my anxiety but it doesn't help when my husband is so unsupportive and making me feel as if i'm going crazy. Thanks for listening.

09-03-11, 10:20
I think its hard for anyone to understand how it feels until they have been through it themselves, because we look fine on the outside no one knows what the insides are doing and some of my anxiety attacks have scared me half to death - I'd try the medication Kizzy and see if they help calm/relax you.

Hope your feeling well soon
Good luck and take care

10-03-11, 10:36
Sorry to hear you are having a rough time,

your husband needs to take a good look at himself, he is being very selfish and unsupportive.

i would show him this thread and tell him how your feeling. I gree with Del that its hard to understand if youve not been through it but thats doesnt mean he gets to disregard your feelings completley.

talk to him, it may be the eye opener he needs

tc munkey

11-03-11, 12:02
Hmm... sounds to me as though your husband doesn't understand how anxiety feels. It might be worth asking him to remember a really frightening situation he's been in - it might be a close shave from an accident, getting out of a fight - anything, really.

Then when he remembers that feeling, which probably only lasted a minute or two, explain to him that you have this feeling for hours, days at a time, and that it just won't go away.

Maybe when he can appreciate how unwell anxiety/panic can make him feel, he might be able to get his head round it a bit better.