View Full Version : Scared and Fed Up

09-03-11, 10:23
I haven't been on here for a while I was feeling ok but for some reason I have hit an all time low.

I had a lump checked out which was ok it was just a fluid filled sack which is apparently common in 40 year old females. Now everywhere I feel there is a lump I can't stop feeling for them and worst of all I can't stop finding them my hubby can't feel any of the ones that I think are so maybe its just cause I am fat. I can't keep running to the doctors every two minutes as they will eventually have me committed. I can't seem to pull myself out of this horrible great big hole that I have got myself in. I find myself crying at things on the TV that arn't that bad and have now stopped watching any medical programme which I do love watching as every symptom on it I convinced myself my daughter had and she was really ill, it was only my hubby going through each symptom which convinced me that I am totally loosing it.

Also I am overdrawn in the bank and tomorrow is payday but I won't see any of it.

I can't sleep I find myself waking up at least two or three times a night I don't know what to do anymore. Is there any way out of all of this?


10-03-11, 15:27
Hi Nutty,
I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time, I'm in a similar boat at the moment finding lumps everywhere, not sleeping, no appetite, crying all the time and constantly poking, prodding, and panicking. I wish I knew what to say to help, all I can say is you're not alone and you will get through it, it's just going to take time. It has to stop eventually.
All the best hon xx

10-03-11, 15:55
Aww I don't want this to sound horrible but it is nice to know someone else has the same as me. Have you had your lumps checked?

I know it will eventually get better, it would be nice if it was quickly, I am here for you if you need to talk, like you were for me. Thank you for taking the time out to talk to me.

All the best to you too
